Zervoudaki Soultana

by / Monday, 17 November 2014 / Published in people

Position: Researcher

Contact Info

Institute: Oceanography
Address: 46.7 km. Athens Sounio, Mavro Lithari PO Box 712 19013 Anavissos Attica, Greece
Tel: +302291076375
Telex: +30302291076347


Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki is a Researcher at the Institute of Oceanography in Hellenic Centre for Marine Research -H.C.M.R. She assumed her duties in December 2006.

Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki completed her doctoral training on mesozooplankton ecology and ecophysiology in University of Athens (Section of Biology). Her main research interest is the mesozooplankton ecology: (a) taxonomy, (b) horizontal and vertical distribution of mesozooplankton communities, (c) seasonal and interannual variability of mesozooplankton in coastal and offshore areas and (d) influence of environmental parameters (hydrology, food availability and pollution) to mesozooplankton.

In addition, her research involve physiology of major groups of mesozooplankton (a) Copepod egg production, (b) faecal pellet production of copepods and tunicates, (c) grazing of copepods and tunicates using different methods, (d) effect of toxic phytoplankton on the grazing and production of copepods, (e) estimation of carbon flow in the pelagic food web and vertical carbon flux (f) resting eggs of zooplankton in the sediment and (g) copepod response on ocean acidification.

Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki has participated in more than 30 funded research projects, 11 of which she coordinated the plankton group. She is member of CIESM Zooplankton Group, ICES Zooplankton ecology working Group, and REMPEC for ballast water management. She has collaborated with several laboratories: National Enviromental Research Institute (Denmark), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Institute of Oceanology (Russia), University of Lecce (Italy), University of Vigo (Spain), IFM-GEOMAR (Germany), METU (Turkey), Institut de CiĆØncies del Mar (Spain).

Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki has supervised students for internships and dissertation and she used to give lectures on Copepod production and grazing at the University of Athens in the frame of the MSc in Oceanography.

Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki is a scientific evaluator of the following peer review journals: Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Journal of Marine Systems, Journal of Environmental Management, International Journal of Limnology, Chinese Limnology and Oceanography and Marine Biology Research.

Education Profile

ā€¢ 2005, PhD in Oceanography, Zoology Lab, Section of Biology, University of Athens
Title of PhD Thesis: ā€œSmall pelagic Copepods in different marine environmentsā€
ā€¢ 1998, MSc in Oceanography, University of Athens (Honor from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation)
Title of Master Thesis: ā€œSeasonal variation of zooplankton in a marine aquacultureā€
ā€¢ 1995, Bachelor in Biology, Section of Biology, University of Athens
Title of Bachelor Thesis: ā€œComposition and seasonal variation of mesozooplankton in Cretan arc areaā€.

Professional Profile

ā€¢ 2006-today Researcher, Biological Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Athens, Greece
ā€¢ 2001-2006: Research scientist, Biological Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Athens, Greece
ā€¢ 2003-2004: Research Scientist, National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark (Marie Curie fellowship)
ā€¢ 1997-2000, Research scientist with contract, Biological Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Athens, Greece
ā€¢ 1996-1997, Special research scientist, Biological Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Athens, Greece
ā€¢ 1993-1996, Research scientist with contract, Zoology Lab, Section of Biology, University of Athens
Scientific and Professional Memberships
ā€¢ CIESM Zooplankton Group,
ā€¢ ICES Zooplankton ecology working Group
ā€¢ REMPEC for ballast water management

Awards and Recognition

ā€¢ 1998. Greek State Scholarships Foundation
ā€¢ 2003-2004 Marie Curie Fellowship

Research Interests

Marine plankton ecology, with emphasis on zooplankton. Spatiotemporal distribution patterns in relation to principal physical characteristics of the water column, mesoscale hydrological structures and biological variables. Copepod taxonomy. Autoecology and ecophysiology of copepods Study of plankton food webs in marine systems and the role of zooplankton in the control of microbial and phytoplanktonic communities (including harmful algal blooms). Trophic dynamics of plankton and secondary production. Zooplankton ecophysiology. Mesozooplankton resting eggs and vertical fluxes. Copepod response on ocean acidification

ā€¢ S. Zervoudaki, E.D. Christou, G. Assimakopoulou, H. Ɩrek, A.C. Gucu, A. Giannakourou, P. Pitta, T. Terbiyik, N. Yucel, T. Moutsopoulos, K. Pagou, S. Psarra, E. Ɩzsoy and E. Papathanassiou (2011). Copepod communities, production and grazing in the Turkish Straits System and the adjacent northern Aegean Sea during spring. Journal of Marine Systems 86 (3-4), 45-56.
ā€¢ C. Frangoulis, F. Carlotti, L. Eisenhauer, S. Zervoudaki (2010). Converting copepod vital rates into units appropriate for biogeochemical models. Progress in Oceanography 84, 43ā€“51
ā€¢ Frangoulis K., Psarra S., Zervakis V., Meador T., Mara P., Gogou A., Zervoudaki S., Giannakourou A., Pitta P., Lagaria A., Krassakopoulou E. Siokou I., (2009). Connecting plankton food web functioning and biogeochemical cycles in the Mediterranean area affected by the Black Sea water inflow. J. Plankton Res. (2010) 32(8): 1203-1216.
ā€¢ A. Pavlidou, H. Kontoyiannis, Ch. Anagnostou, I. Siokouā€“Frangou, K. Pagou,E. Krasakopoulou, G. Assimakopoulou, S. Zervoudaki,Ch. Zeri,J. Chatzianestis and R. Psyllidou-Giouranovits.(2010). Ā«Biogeochemical Characteristics in the Elefsis Bay (Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) in relation to anoxia and climate changesĀ» in: E. Yakushev (ed) Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer-Verlag, Volume 4E / 1999 – Volume 12 / 2010.
ā€¢ Zervoudaki S, T. G. Nielsen and J. Carstensen (2009). Seasonal succession and composition of the zooplankton community along an eutrophication and salinity gradient exemplified by Danish waters. Journal of Plankton Reasearch 31(12), 1475-1492.
ā€¢ Siokou-Frangou, S. Zervoudaki, E. D. Christou, V. Zervakis, D. Georgopoulos (2009) Variability of mesozooplankton spatial distribution in the North Aegean Sea, as influenced by the Black Sea waters outflow. Journal for Marine Systems, 78( 4), 557-575.
ā€¢ Zervoudaki, S., E.D. Christou, S. Isari, D. Lucic, M.G. Mazzocchi, M. L. Fernandez de Puelles, N. Daly Yahia, A. Ramfos, N. Fragopoulou and I. Siokou-Frangou (2009). Seasonal and spatial variability of Farranula rostrata (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in the Mediterranean Sea ICES Cooperative Research Series 80-88.
ā€¢ Mohamed Nejib Daly Yahia, Mirna Batistic, Davor Lucic, Maria Luz FernĆ”ndez de Puelles, Priscilla Licandro, Alenka Malej, Juan-Carlos Molinero, Ioanna Siokou-Frangou, Soultana Zervoudaki, Laura Prieto, Jacqueline Goy, and Ons Daly Yahia-KĆ©fi (2009). Are the outbreaks of Pelagia noctiluca (ForsskĆ„l, 1775) more frequent in the Mediterranean basin? ICES Cooperative Research Series 8-15.
ā€¢ Sergey A. Piontkovski, Serena Fonda-Umani, Antonio Olita, Alessandra de Olazabal, Lars Stemmann, Carmen G. Rubio, StĆ©phane Gasparini, Maria G. Mazzocchi, Ioanna Siokou-Frangou, Soultana Zervoudaki, Alexandra Gubanova, and Denis Altukhov (2009). The 2003 heat wave and marine plankton communities ICES Cooperative Research Series 57-61.
ā€¢ S. Zervoudaki, E. D. Christou, T. G. Nielsen, I. Siokou-Frangou, G. Assimakopoulou, A. Giannakourou, M. Maar, K. Pagou, E. Krasakopoulou, U. Christaki and M. Moraitou-Apostolopoulou (2007). The importance of small-sized copepods in a frontal area of the Aegean Sea Journal of Plankton Research 29(4), 317ā€“338.
ā€¢ S. Zervoudaki, T.G. Nielsen, E. D. Christou and I. Siokou-Frangou (2006). Zooplankton distribution and diversity in a frontal area of the Aegean Sea. Marine Biology Research, 2:3, 149 ā€“ 168.
ā€¢ Tƶnnesson K , Maar M, Vargas C, MĆøller EF, Satapoomin S, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Giannakourou A, Sell A, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Tiselius P. (2005) Selective feeding and grazing impact of Oikopleura dioica on an autmn protist community. Marine Biology Research 1(5): 365-373.
ā€¢ Maneiro I, Iglesias P, Guisande C, Riveiro I, Barreiro A, Zervoudaki S, Graneli E (2005) Fate of domoic acid ingested by the copepod Acartia clausi Marine Biology, 148: 123ā€“130.
ā€¢ Siokou-Frangou I, Zervoudaki S, Kampouroglou V and Belmonte G (2005) Distribution of mesozooplankton resting eggs in sea bottom sediments of Thermaikos Gulf (Aegean Sea, Greece) and possible effects of resuspension. Continental Shelf Research 25: 2597-2608.
ā€¢ Shiganova TA, Christou ED, Bulgakova JV, Siokou-Frangou I, Zervoudaki S, Siapatis A (2004). Distribution and biology of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the northern Aegean Sea, and comparison with the indigenous Bolinopsis vitrea In: Dumont H, Shiganova T, Niermann U (eds). Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean Seas. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 113-135.
ā€¢ Maar M, Nielsen TG, Gooding S, Tƶnnesson K, Tiselius P, Zervoudaki S, Christou C, Sell A and Richardson K (2004) Trophodynamic function of copepods, appendicularians and protozooplankton in the late summer zooplankton community in the Skagerrak. Marine Biology, 144: 917ā€“933.
ā€¢ Tiselius P, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Maar M, MĆøller EF, Satapoomin S, Tonnesson K, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Giannakourou A, Sell A, Vargas C (2003) Functional response of Oikopleura dioica to house clogging due to exposure to algae of different sizes. Marine Biology, 142: 253-261.
ā€¢ Vargas CA, Tƶnnesson K, Sell A, Maar M, MĆøller EF, Zervoudaki S, Giannakourou A, Christou ED, Satapoomin S, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Tiselius P (2002) Importance of copepods versus appendicularians in vertical carbon fluxes in a Swedish fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 241: 125ā€“138.
ā€¢ Maar M, Nielsen TG, Richardson K, Christaki U, Hansen OS, Zervoudaki S and Christou ED (2002) Spatial and temporal variability of the food web structure during the spring bloom in the Skagerrak. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 239: 11-29.
ā€¢ Shiganova TA, Mirzoyan ZA, Studenikina EA, Volovik SP, Siokou-Frangou I, Zervoudaki S, Christou ED, Skitra AY, Dumont HJ (2001) Population development of the invader ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, in the Black Sea and in other seas of the Mediterreanean basin. Marine Biology, 139:431-445.
ā€¢ Moraitou-Apostolopoulou M, Zervoudaki S, Kapiris K (2000) Composition, bathymetric and temporal differentiation of zooplankton in an oligotrophic area (South Aegean Sea). Marine Life, 10(1-2): 43-55.
ā€¢ Berline L, Siokou-Frangou I, Marasovi
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