Zanou Barbara
Position: Environmental Economist, Scientific Officer, Biological Oceanography Department
Contact Info
Institute: Biological Oceanography Department
Address: 46.7 km Athens-Sounion Ave., P.O. Box 712, GR-19013, Anavyssos Attikis, GREECE
Tel: +30 22910 76378
Telex: + 30 22910 7632
Responsible for the socioeconomics studies at the Institute of Oceanography of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR, Athens, GR). She holds a Bachelor Degree in Economic Science (University of Piraeus, GR) and a diploma of the Greek Productivity Center (EL.KE.PA) for four-year studies on Information Technology Sector (Analyst-programmer).
She has received a Master’s Degree (D.E.A) in Political Economy, from the Paris VIII University in collaboration with Paris VII University, in Paris (France).
During her six months training in the Directorate General for Environment of European Commission (Bruxelles, 1998) she has elaborated one of the first studies on the application of the economic evaluation method “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis” (CEA) within the framework of the European Water Framework Directive under discussion.
She obtained the PhD from the University of the Aegean (Mytilini, GR) and her Ph.D. thesis was on evaluation of water management measures of using the “Cost – Effectiveness Analysis (CEA). She has been involved in EU projects and national studies in tasks on socio-economic and management issues.
• Phd, University of the Aegean, Faculty of the Environment Mytilini, GR, 2007
Title of thesis: Application of the method “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis” for the evaluation of the management measures in the field of water quality improvement
• Training, European Commission, D.G.XI/B1, Bruxelles, 1.10.97-1.3.98
Project: Cost-effective improvement of bathing water quality in the Gulf of Kalloni (island of Lesvos-GR) to “good status of water”.
• D.E.A.(MSc degree) in Political Economy «Régimes et dynamique du système mondial», Universités Paris VII & Paris VIII, Paris, France, 1994
• BSc in Economic Sciences, University of Piraeus, GR, 1984
• Analyst-programmer: four-year studies in Information Technology, Greek Productivity Center (EL.KE.PA), Athens, GR, 1984
Professional Profile
1997 – to date Environmental Economist, Scientific Officer, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR
1994 – 1996 a) Socio-economic studies of coastal zones (establishment of this issue as a new activity of the NCMR)
b) Secretary of the Board of Directors of NCMR,
c) 3/1995 – 5/1996: Participation in the organization and operation of the new department of the NCMR «Department of programs and evaluation of research» and composition of the first annual report of the NCMR activities.
d) 5/1996 – 12/1996: Secretary of the 1st Scientific Council of NCMR.
1986-1993: Secretary of the Board of Directors of NCMR
1984-1986: Analyst-programmer, at the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (G.G.E.T), Ministry of Industry
Research Interests.
Her current research interests focus on integrated coastal zone management, environmental scenarios, evaluation of environmental policy measures (mainly with the use of the cost-effectiveness analysis) and stakeholder analysis.
• Zanou, B.; Bellas Ch. and Skourtos, M (2010) Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive: procedures and a simple model for the identification of the most cost-effective measures in eutrophicated catchments, Water Policy, 12, 369-380
• Zanou B. and Panagiotidis, P. (2010) Invasive Caulerpa species in the Mediterranean: impact on tourist diving, Perivallon 21, 37(1), 38-39 (in Greek).
● Skourtos, M., A. Kontogianni, A. Machleras, B. Zanou (2010) Choice Experiment Questionnaire and Analysis, in Documentation Report for Appraisal Step implementation in SSA16 Thermaikos Gulf (AS-DocRpt 7.4.16.) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece – SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal Systems Assessment, 2007-2011 6thFP).
• Panagiotidis, P.; Zenetou, A.; Zanou, B. and Tsiamis, K. (2009) Alien species in Mediterranean: Climate change or commercial globalization? Proceedings Climate change; The environment after the UN conference in Bali, Panteion University, Sideris, I. (Ed.), Athens p.p. 93-110
• Zanou, B. (2006) Decrease of non-point water pollution: A practical algorithm for the user-friendly presentation of the cost-effectiveness comparison of management measures, E-WAter, 1-19.
• Zanou, B., Anagnostou, Ch. and Papathanassiou, E. (2005) Seeking the factors stimulating the users in coastal zones planning. Case study: Open discussions with mussel farmers in Axios river (GR), Mediterranean Marine Science, 6(1), 107-115.
• Kontogianni, A., Skourtos, M., Zanou, B. and Langford, I.H. (2005) The costs and benefits of implementing the European Waste Water Directive in Greece, 176-194, in: R. Brouwer and D. Pearce (eds) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, Edward Elgar publishing.
• Karageorgis, A.P., Skourtos, M.S., Kapsimalis, V., Kontogianni, A.D., Skoulikidis, N.Th., Pagou, K., Nikolaidis, N.P., Drakopoulou, P., Zanou, B., Karamanos, H., Levkov, Z., & Anagnostou, Ch. (2005) An integrated approach to watershed management within the DPSIR framework: Axios River catchment & Thermaikos Gulf, Regional Environmental Change, 5, 138-160, DOI: 10.1007/s10113-004-0078-7.
• Zanou, B, Kontogianni, A. and Skourtos, M., (2004) Principles for the application of the cost-effectiveness analysis in water quality sector, International Journal of Water, 2(4), 297-311.
• Zanou, B. (2004) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in the coastal water quality sector: a priority in the frame of the ICZM, Global Nest: The Int. J., 6 (3), 230-239.
• Zanou, B. (2004) Conditions for an effective management of a river basin in the European Union, EKISTICS, 71 (427-429), 282-288.
• Zanou, B., Kontogianni, A. and Skourtos, M. (2003). A classification approach of cost effective management measures for the improvement of watershed quality. Ocean & Coastal Management, 46(11-12), 957-983.
• Zanou, B. (2003). Cost minimization function for water pollution control: determination of variables and influencing factors, Mathematical Review (Greek Mathematical Society), 60, 20-30, (in Greek).
• Zanou, B. and Anagnostou, Ch. (2001). Integrated management in the Drainage Basin of the Thermaikos Gulf (NW-Aegean Sea): Methodological steps and proposed measures, according to the win-win policy. European Water Management, 4 (6): 33-42.
• Zanou, B. and Kopke, A. (2001). Cost-effective reduction of eutrophication in the Gulf of Kalloni (Island of Lesvos, Greece). Mediterranean Marine Science, 2 (1): 15-25.
• Zanou,B. and Vergopoulos, K. (2001). Conclusions of the socio-economic study of the LAs included in the drainage basin of Kalloni Gulf (Island of Lesvos, GR). TOPOS (Review of spatial development, planning and environment, IUEHR Panteion University), (in Greek) 16: 135-140.
• Zanou, B. (2001). Parameters for the sustainable development. Ikonomika Chronika (Scientific magazine of the Economic Chamber of Greece), (in Greek), 113: 32-35.
Zanou, B. (2000). Guide of Socio-Economics Studies for the Integrated Management of the Water Environment, Monographs on Marine Sciences. No 3, NCMR, p.177, (in Greek).