Vassilopoulou Vassiliki
Position: Research Director
Contact Info
Institute: Marine Biological Resources
Address: 46,7 km Athinon – Souniou av. , 19013, Anavyssos, Attiki
Her activities fall within the field of ecosystem-approach to fisheries management and has co-authored a Strategic Paper on the subject published from the EU Marine Board. She is also involved in efforts related to the development of environmental indicators that could contribute in decision-making processes, concerning fishery resources sustainability issues, the adoption of Marine Spatial Planning as a tool for minimizing conflicts between human activities and the assessment of by-catches and mitigation of discards in Greek fisheries. Recently, she is taking part in activities related to the organization of the Initial Assessment phase in the frame of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
She has participated in several FAIR, STREP, INCO, EU FP6 and FP7 projects, in some of which as the leading scientist on behalf of the H.C.M.R. She has also been involved in Management and Coordination of research projects, and is currently coordinating a Marifish project with the acronym BADMINTON. She is the leading scientist on behalf of the IMBR/HCMR in two FP7 projects that are currently at the negotiations phase and respectively deal with investigating human pressures and related impacts on marine ecosystems under the MSFD umbrella and with adopting Marine Protected Areas as tools for both EBM of human activities. She took part in many conferences, meetings, workshops and working groups to present the results and discuss the achievements from these studies, and has more than 130 publications and presentations in International Scientific Journals and Conferences. As a fisheries expert, she has been involved in the evaluation of European research proposals, in the reviewing of scientific papers, has co-chaired conference sessions and workshops on fishery by-catches and has participated in several scientific and administrative groups.
• PhD, Biology, “Biology and Ecology of the four-spotted megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) in the Aegean Sea, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras ,1988
• Master of Science (MSc), Biological Oceanography, “ Contribution to the study of the biology of the red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L., 1758) in the Saronikos Gulf”, Faculty of Science, University of Athens, 1985
• Diploma (BSc), Biology, Faculty of Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1981
Professional Profile
• 2006, Senior Researcher, I.M.B.R., H.C.M.R.
• 2003, Senior Technical Research Scientist, I.M.B.R., HCMR.
Scientific and Professional Memberships
Scientific Memberships in Associations
• International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea
• (Member of the Committee on Marine Vertebrates and Cephalopods)
• Fisheries Society of the British Isles
• European Society of Ichthyologists
• American Fisheries Society
• American Association for the Advancement of Science
• American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
• Hellenic Oceanographers Association
• Greek Zoological Society
• Pan-Hellenic Union of Biologists
Scientific Memberships in Scientific Committees
• Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 3 Working Group (WKMSFD-D3 +), member of the working group, Copenhagen, Denmark
• 2011 International Workshop on Exploring the Role of MPAs in Reconciling Fisheries Management with Conservation, member of the working group, Bergen Norway
• 2011 Planning Group on Commercial Catch, Discards and Biological Sampling, ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (PGCCDBS), member of the working group, Vienne, Austria
• 2010, MariFish Workshop on Assessing and Managing Interaction between inshore fisheries and Natura 2000 sites in Europe, invited participation, Dublin, Ireland
• 2010, MariFish Workshop on the use of Indicators in Fisheries Management, , invited participation, Dublin, Ireland
• Science dimensions of Ecosystem Approach to Management of Biotic Ocean Resources (SEAMBOR)
• European Fish Ageing Network (EFAN)
• Scientific Advisory Council IMBR the HCMR for the period 2003-4
• Editorial Committee of Five Research Planning IMBR the NCMR for the period 2001-05
• Scientific Advisory Council IMBR the NCMR for the period 1997-98
Professional Memberships
• Full member, Committee conducting the NCMR bids, 2009.
• Alternate member, Committee conducting the NCMR bids, 2008.
• Regular member, Fisheries Council, Ministry of Agriculture, 2006-7
• Alternate member, Council of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, 2004-5.
• Full member, Committee conducting the NCMR bids, 2002.
• Alternate member, Committee conducting the competitions NCMR, 2001.
• Regular member, Fisheries Council, Ministry of Agriculture,1998-99
• Alternate member, Council of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture,1996-97
Research Interests
Fisheries management
Ecosystem approach to fisheries management,
Fisheries By-catches/discards
Environmental impact of fisheries
Fisheries sustainability indicators
Marine Protected Areas,
Fisheries biology and ecology
• SALOMIDI M, KATSANEVAKIS S, BORJA Á, BRAECKMAN U, DAMALAS D, GALPARSORO I, MIFSUD R, MIRTO S, PASCUAL M, PIPITONE C, RABAUT M, TODOROVA V, VASSILOPOULOU V, VEGA FERNÁNDEZ T, 2011. Assessment of goods and services, vulnerability, and conservation status of European seabed biotopes: a stepping stone towards ecosystem-based marine spatial management. Mediterranean Marine Science (in press).
• DAMALAS, D. & V. VASSILOPOULOU, 2011. Chondrichthyan by-catch and discards in the demersal trawl fishery of the central Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Fisheries Research 108 (2011) 142–152.
• RICE, J., BORGES, M. F., GREHAN, A., KENNY, A., LOENG, H., MAYNOU, F., SANTOS, F., SKJOLDAL, H.R, THÉBAUD, O., VASSILOPOULOU, V. & F. VOLCKAERT, 2010. Science dimensions of an ecosystem approach to management of biotic ocean resources (SEAMBOR). Marine Board-ESF/ICES/EFARO Position Paper 14, 86 p.
• KATSANEVAKIS, S., MARAVELIAS, C. D., VASSILOPOULOU, V. & J. HARALABOUS, 2009. Boat seines in Greece: Landings profiles and identification of potential métiers. Scientia Marina, 74(1): 65-76.
• VASSILOPOULOU, V. & J. HARALABOUS, 2008. Effects of sexual maturity and feeding on condition of a deep-sea flatfish in north-eastern Mediterranean waters, Journal of Natural History, 42 (5-8): 695-720.
• VASSILOPOULOU, V., A. SIAPATIS, C. PAPACONSTANTINOU & E.CARAGITSOU, 2008. Annotated records of scombroid eggs and larvae distribution in northeastern Mediterranean waters. Mediterranean Marine Science, 9/1, 21-29.
• VASSILOPOULOU, V., A. MACHIAS & K. TSAGARAKIS, 2007. By-catch and discards in multi-species fisheries and their impact in Hellenic Waters. In: SoHelFI, 2007, State of Hellenic Fisheries. C. Papaconstantinou, A. Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou, G. Tserpes (Eds) HCMR Publ., 466pp.
• VASSILOPOULOU, V., K.-N. PAPADOPOULOU, C. J. SMITH, N. STREFTARIS & J. HARALAMBOUS, 2007. Fishery and benthic indicators to evaluate the effects of fishing in Hellenic waters. In: SoHelFI, 2007, State of Hellenic Fisheries. C. Papaconstantinou, A. Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou, G. Tserpes (Eds) HCMR Publ., 466pp.
• VASSILOPOULOU, V., 2006. Dietary habits of a deep-sea flatfish in northeastern Mediterranean waters. Journal of Fish Biology 69 (4), 1202–1220.