Rousakis Grigoris
Position: Assosiate Researcher
Contact Info
Institute: Oceanography
Address: HCMR, 46.7 km Athens – Sounio ave., P.O. Box 712, P.C.19013, Anavyssos Greece
Tel: +302291076384
Telex: +302291076347
During 1983-1984, he has worked at the Engineering Geology Laboratory, Institute of Geology and Mining Exploration (IGME) focused on the estimation of soil geotechnical characteristics.
In 1986 he started to work at NCMR (named HCMR after 2002) and participated in many national projects, aiming at the exploration and mapping of active submarine faults in the Greek Seas and applied projects, related to the route surveys for the deployment of underwater pipelines and cables. During his 25-year career at HCMR he has participated in and co-ordinated over 50 national funded projects and applied surveys. He was also primary investigator in more than 18 European funded projects with main objectives relevant to sedimentology and geophysics, Holocene geology, seismic stratigraphy of Late Quaternary sediment sequences of deep basins, geotechnical properties of sediments, slope stability, cold seeps and mud volcanoes.
Dr Grigoris P. Rousakis has significantly contributed to the progress achieved by HCMR through his involvement as member in all committees responsible for the implementation of development projects of the Centre. Moreover, he has been involved either as chief scientist or as head of the marine geology-geophysics group in search and recovery surveys/operations of maritime accidents or aircraft/helicopter crashes at the sea.
Dr. Grigoris P. Rousakis completed his doctoral thesis at the Section of Geological Sciences, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 2005, focusing on the potential relationship between the sedimentological and geotechnical properties, the sediment accumulation mechanisms and the factors control sedimentation processes in deep basins and margins of the N. Aegean Trough and N. Skyros basin Greece.
Since his promotion to Associate Researcher in 2006 he has widened his expertise including the research fields of paleoceanography/ paleoclimatology and marine geoarchaeology. Because of his long experience in applied projects and his ability to use state of the art techniques and improve standard methodologies he is being considered as expert in marine geological, geophysical and geotechnical surveys related to deployment of cables, pipelines and artificial reefs and offshore windparks
• Ph.D. Dissertation: “Study of sedimentological and geotechnical properties of Late Pleistocene-Holocene marine sediment sequences in areas of the North Aegean Sea”, Section of Geological Sciences, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2005
• B.Sc., Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, 1984
Professional Profile
• 1983-1984: Scientist, Institute of Geology and Mining Exploration (IGME).
• 1986-2005: Research Scientist, Institute of Marine Biological Resources, National Centre for Marine Research (NCMR), Athens, Greece.
• 2006-present: Associate Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Athens, Greece
Scientific and Professional Memberships
• Geological Society of Greece
Research Interests
Dr Rousakis research interest fields are:
• Marine geology, sedimentology and geophysics, Holocene geology, seismic stratigraphy of Late Quaternary sediment sequences, sea level changes and sediment sequences/facies.
• Geotechnical properties of sediments, slope stability, cold seeps and Mud volcanoes
• Neotectonics – Active faulting – Marine Paleoseismology, Submarine Volcanism,
• Underwater Geoarchaeology
• Paleoceanography/ paleoclimatology
• Submarine surveys for manufactures (Cables – pipeline route surveys artificial reefs and offshore windparks).
He has published more than 23 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journal and proceedings with a total citation record of 115.
• Kouli, K., Gogou, A., Bouloubassi, I., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Ioakim, Ch., Katsouras, G., Rousakis, G., Lykousis V. 2011. Palaeo-environmental changes in the northeastern Mediterranean during Late Glacial-Holocene: organic geochemical and palynological evidence, Quaternary International, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.036
• A.P. Karageorgis, V.Papadopoulos, G. Rousakis, Th. Kanellopoulos, D. Georgopoulos. 2011 Submarine groundwater discharges in Klogria Bay, Messinia-Greece: geophyshycal investigation and one year high resoloution monitoring of hydrological parameters. In Ν. Lmbrakis, G. Stournaras, K. Katsanou (eds.) Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment. Vol 1, 469-476, Springer series/8394
• Sakellariou, D., Lykousis V., Rousakis G., 2011. Holocene seafloor faulting in the Gulf of Corinth: the potential for underwater paleoseismology. Proceedings, 2nd INQUA-IGCP-567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, Corinth, Greece,
• A. Gogou, I. Bouloubassi, G. Katsouras, K.-C. Emeis, M. Triantaphyllou, G. Roussakis, A. Sampatakaki, V. Zervakis, V. Lykousis, June 2011. ‘Proxy-reconstructions of climate variability and environmental/ biogeochemical changes in the NE Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene’. MedCLIVAR Final Conference: Mediterranean Climate: From Past to Future, Lecce, Italy.
• A. Gogou, I. Bouloubassi, G. Katsouras, G. Roussakis, V. Lykousis, September 2011 ‘Biomarker proxy-reconstructions of climatic and productivity patterns in the NE Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene’..25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG),Interlaken, Switzerland.
• Georgios Katsouras, Alexandra Gogou, Kay-Christian Emeis, Ioanna Bouloubassi, Vasilios Lykousis, Maria Triantaphyllou, Grigorios Roussakis (2010). Organic matter distributions and isotopic composition in three records from the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene. Organic Geochemistry, vol 41, issue 9, p 935-939.
• Sakellariou D., Sigurdsson H., Alexandri M., Carey S., Rousakis G., Nomikou P., Georgiou P. & Ballas D. 2010: Active tectonics in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc: the Kolumbo submarine volcanic zone. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, No 2, 1056-1063
• V. Lykousis, G. Roussakis and D. Sakellariou (2008): Slope failures and stability analysis of shallow water prodeltas in the active margins of Western Greece, north eastern Mediterranean sea. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0329-9
• V. Lykousis, S. Alexandri, J. Woodside, G. de Lange, A. Da¨hlmann, C. Perissoratis, K. Heeschen, Chr. Ioakim, D. Sakellariou, P. Nomikou, G. Roussakis, D. Casas, D. Ballas, G. Ercilla (2008). Mud volcanoes and gas hydrates in the Anaximander mountains (Eastern Mediterranean Sea), Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.05.002, p 1-19.
• V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, G. Roussakis, S. Alexandri, H. Kaberi, P. Nomikou, P. Georgiou, D. Balas (2007). Sediment failure processes in active grabens: the Western Gulf of Corinth (Greece). In: Lykousis V., Sakellariou D., Locat J. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, 297-305, Springer.
• Sakellariou D., Roussakis G., Kaberi H., Kapsimalis V., Georgiou P., Kanellopoulos Th. & Lykousis V. (2007). Tectono-sedimentary structure and late quaternary evolution of the north Evia gulf basin, Central Greece: preliminary results. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXVII/1, p. 451-462.
• Sakellariou, D., Lykousis, V., Alexandri, S., Kaberi, H., Roussakis, G., Nomikou, P., Georgiou, P., Ballas, D., 2007. Faulting, seismic-stratigraphic architecture and Late Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of Alkyonides basin – East Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece. Basin Research, 19/2, p. 273-295.
• Lykousis V., Alexandri M., Woodside J., De Lange G., Daehlman A., Perissoratis C., Ioakim Chr., Sakellariou D, Nomikou P, Casas D., Kormas K., Rousakis G., Ballas D. & Ercilla G., 2006: Mud volcanoes and gas hydrates in Anaximander Mountains (Eastern Mediterranean). In CIESM, 2006, Fluid seepages/mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and adjacent domains, Workshop Monographs 29, p. 41-46.
• Sigurdsson H., Carey S., Alexandri S., Vougioukalakis G., Croff K., Roman C.; Sakellariou D., Anagnostou C., Roussakis G., Ioakim C., Gogou A, Missaridis A, and Nomikou P. Marine Investigations of Greece’s Santorini Volcanic Field. EOS, vol. 87, no. 34, 22 Aug. 2006, p 337, 342.
• Lykousis V., Alexandri S., Woodside J., Nomikou P., Perissoratis C., Sakellariou D., De Lange G., Dahlmann A., Casas D., Rousakis G., Ballas. D & Ioakim Chr., 2004. New evidence of extensive mud volcanism in the Anaximander mountains (Eastern Mediterranean): The “ATHINA” mud volcano. Environmental Geology, 46, 1030-1037.
• Roussakis G., A. P. Karageorgis, N. Conispoliatis, V. Lykousis. (2004) Last glacial – Holocene sediment sequences in N. Aegean basins: structure, accumulation rates and clay mineral distribution Geo-Marine Letters 24:97-111.
• Lykousis V., Sakellariou D. & Roussakis G., 2003. Prodelta slope stability and associated coastal hazards in tectonically active margins: Gulf of Corinth (NE Mediterranean). In: J. Locat, J. Mienert & L. Boisvert (eds.): Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequenses Kluwer Academic Publishers 433-440. Printed in the Netherland
• Lykousis V., Roussakis G. and Alexandri M, Pavlakis P, I Papoulia, 2002. Sliding and regional slope stability in active margins : North Aegean Trough (Mediterranian). Marine Geology 186-2002-281-298.
• V. Lykousis, G. Roussakis, P. Pavlakis and Alexandri. (2001) Stratigraphy and dating of large scale slumping event in the North Aegean Trough. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 34/2, σελ. 671-678.
• Σακελλαρίου Δ., Ρουσάκης Γ., Κράνης Χ., Καμπέρη Ε., Γεωργίου Π. & Σκουλικίδης Ν. (2001): Νεοτεκτονικές κινήσεις, ιζηματογένεση και διακύμανση της στάθμης της Λίμνης Βεγορίτιδας στο Ανώτερο Τεταρτογενές. Δελτ. Ελλ. Γεωλ. Ετ., 34/1, σελ. 207-216.
• Σακελλαρίου Δ., Λυκούσης Β., Ρουσάκης Γ. & Γεωργίου Π. (2001): Φαινόμενα ολισθήσεων σε υποθαλάσσια ενεργά ρηξιγενή πρανή: περιοχή Παναγοπούλας, Δ. Κορινθιακός Κόλπος. Δελ. Ελλ. Γεωλ. Ετ., 34/5, σελ. 1723-1731.
• Lykousis V., C. Anagnostou, P. Pavlakis, G. Roussakis, M. Alexandri. 1995. Central Aegean Sea, Greece.Marine Geology 128-1995-59-71• Lykousis V., Pavlakis P.,Alexandri M., Roussakis G.,Georgiou P.,and Fillipas D. Morphotectonics and sediment structure offshore SW Peloponnese.(Geol. Soc.Greece, sp. Publ. NO 4/1, 1995.)
• Lykousis V., Chronis G. and Roussakis G., 1994. Submarine prodelta instabilities in the seismotectonic active shelf of W. Greece. Proc. 7th Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Lisbon, Balkema Publ.,Rotterdam, 1549-1555.
• Lykousis V., Pavlakis P., Anagnostou C., Roussakis G. and Alexandri M., 1994. Upper Quaternary sedimentary history and geotectonics of the eastern part of Central Aegean Sea. Πρακτ. 7ου Παν. Επ. Συνεδρ., Δελτ. Ελλ. Γεωλ. Εταιρ.τόμος 30/2, σελ.401-410.