Institute of Oceanography
Director: Dr. Aristomenis P. Karageorgis
The overall scientific mission of the Institute of Oceanography (IO) is the mulltidisciplinary study and the long term monitoring of the physical, chemical, biological and geological processes that govern the structure, functioning and evolution of pelagic and benthic ecosystems. The interaction of the hydrosphere with their physical boundaries, the atmosphere, the coastal zone, the seabed and the related geodynamic processes and hazards. The operational long-term monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment. The study of the  dynamics of water masses, the climatic variations, the biogeochemical cycles, the food webs, the biodiversity and their interaction. It explores the marine and underwater energy resources and geo-hazards, the anthropogenic impact on the marine environment and implements integrated coastal zone management actions. It is active in the fields of operational oceanography, marine renewable energy and underwater geoarchaeology. Organizes and manages integrated marine observatories and develops marine technology. The individual activities of the IO Research, the production of “useful” knowledge in the context of “blue growth”, technology, training and, at the social level, information-awareness-education.
IO blue growth goals, include the involvement in research applications, the training and education, the support of decision-making  , the development and exploitation of the scientific -technological products and the provision of marine and maritime services.