Prospathopoulos Aristides

by / Friday, 14 November 2014 / Published in people

Position: Assistant Researcher

Contact Info

Institute: Oceanography
Address: 46.7 km Athens-Sounio Ave. Anavyssos 19013, P.O. Box 712 Greece
Tel: +302291076410
Telex: +302291076347


Dr. Aristides Prospathopoulos is a Research Assistant of the Institute of Oceanography at HCMR. He assumed his duties in April 2001.

Dr. Prospathopoulos earned his doctoral degree in Underwater Acoustics from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, working in the Professor Gerassimos Athanassoulisā€™ Group (Ship and Marine Hydrodynamic Laboratory). His thesis work focused on three-dimensional acoustic scattering from axisymmetric obstacles in ocean waveguides. The first two publications relative to his thesis, concerning the 3D acoustic scattering of a source-generated field from a rigid cylindrical island and a penetrable layered cylindrical obstacle in a horizontally stratified ocean waveguide, number until now about 30 citations.

During his doctoral training and his research service in HCMR, Dr. Prospathopoulos has dealt with problems involving wave modeling and software development for special applications, modeling for acoustic propagation and scattering in ocean waveguides, numerical wave models for open sea and coastal areas, sediment transport in coastal zone, statistical analysis of wave data and algorithms for analysis of radioactivity spectra in the marine environment.

Dr. Prospathopoulos has 20 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and conferences with about 60 citations. He has participated in numerous national and international projects and has presented works in many international conferences / symposia. He has been twice an invited speaker, a member of the organizing committee of a ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop and Summer School and a reviewer in The Open Ocean Engineering Journal (May 2011), the ISOPE 21th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference (June 2011) and the ASME ā€œ27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (June 2008).

Dr. Prospathopoulos also holds a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from NTUA.

Education Profile

ā€¢ Ph.D., Underwater Acoustics, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, 2000
ā€¢ Diploma, Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, Greece, 1993

Professional Profile

ā€¢ 2001 ā€“ today: Research Assistant, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Greece
ā€¢ 1999 ā€“ 2001: Research associate, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR, Greece
ā€¢ 1990 ā€“ 1998: Research associate, Dept. Naval Architecture and Marine Eng., National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

Scientific and Professional Memberships

ā€¢ Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
ā€¢ Member of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics


ā€¢ 1987-1988: Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation (as a graduate student)
ā€¢ 1989-1990: Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation (as a graduate student)
ā€¢ 1991-1993: Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics (IACM) ā€“ Foundation of Research and Technology, Hellas (FORTH)
ā€¢ 1994-1998: Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation (as a PhD candidate in Underwater Acoustics)

Research Interests

ā€¢ Mathematical modeling and software development for the solution of problems for acoustic propagation and scattering in ocean waveguides (Underwater Acoustics / Mathematical Physics)
ā€¢ Study of mathematical modeling and implementation of numerical wave models for open sea and coastal areas (Ocean / Coastal Mechanics)
ā€¢ Study of mathematical modeling and implementation of numerical models for sediment transport in coastal zone (Littoral Processes / Coastal Mechanics)
ā€¢ Statistical analysis of wave data (Statistical Analysis / Methods for Technical Measurement Analysis)
ā€¢ Software development for special applications based on mathematical tools and existing routines and codes, such as algorithms for automated qualitative and quantitative analysis of radioactivity spectra in the marine environment using wavelets

Educator / trainer experience
ā€¢ 2004: Training of a graduate student in HCMR on the use of numerical model MIKE 21 BW (solution of Boussinesq equation for shallow water) of Danish Hydraulic Institute.
ā€¢ 2002ā€“2003: Training of the three post-graduate students in HCMR on the use of the numerical modeling system LITPACK (sediment transport models for littoral processes) of Danish Hydraulic Institute and co-supervision of their Master Theses.
ā€¢ 2002, January: Invited lecturer in the post-graduate program of the Dept. of Marine Science in the Aegean University (Mytilini, Greece) with subject: ā€œIntroduction to littoral processesā€.
ā€¢ 1994-1995: Co-lecturer in the class ā€œWave phenomena in ocean environmentā€, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, NTUA, Greece.

Selected publications (peer-reviewed)

ā€¢ Tsabaris, C., Anagnostou, M.N., Patiris, D.L., Nystuen, J.A., Eleftheriou, G., Dakladas, Th., Papadopoulos, V., Prospathopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, A., Anagnostou, E.N., ā€œA marine groundwater spring in Stoupa, Greece: Shallow water instrumentation comparing radon and ambient sound with discharge rateā€, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, accepted for publication (2011).
ā€¢ Tsabaris, C., Prospathopoulos A., ā€œAutomated quantitative analysis of in-situ NaI measured spectra in the marine environment using a wavelet-based smoothing techniqueā€, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69 (10), 1546-1553 (2011).
ā€¢ Kulawiak, M., Prospathopoulos A., Perivoliotis, L., Luba, M., Kioroglou, S., Stepnowski A., ā€œInteractive visualization of marine pollution monitoring and forecasting data via a Web-based GISā€, Computers & Geosciences, 36 (8), 1069-1080 (2010).
ā€¢ Prospathopoulos, A.M., Athanassoulis, G.A., Belibassakis, K.A., ā€œUnderwater acoustic scattering from a radially layered cylindrical obstacle in a 3D ocean waveguideā€, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 319 (3-5), 1285-1300 (2008).
ā€¢ Soukissian, T., Prospathopoulos, A., Hatzinaki, M., Kabouridou, M., ā€œAssesment of the wind and wave climate of the Hellenic Seas using 10-year hindcast resultsā€, The Open Ocean Engineering Journal, 1, 1-12 (2008).
ā€¢ Tsabaris, C., Prospathopoulos A., ā€œAn information system for radioactivity level in aquatic environmentsā€, in The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Gdansk, Poland, 18-21 May 2008, doi: 10.1109/INFTECH.2008.4621662.
ā€¢ Soukissian, T., Prospathopoulos A., Korres, G., Papadopoulos, A., Hatzinaki, M., Kabouridou, M., ā€œA new Wind and Wave Atlas of the Hellenic Seasā€, in The Proceedings of the ASME 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008-57082, Estoril, Portugal, 15-20 June 2008.
ā€¢ Bratsos, A.G., Famelis, I.Th., Prospathopoulos, A.M., ā€œA parametric finite-difference method for shallow sea wavesā€, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53, 129-147 (2006).
ā€¢ Soukissian, T.H., Prospathopoulos, A.M., ā€œThe Errors-in-Variables approach for the validation of the WAM wave model in the Aegean Seaā€, Mediterranean Marine Science, 7 (1), 47-62 (2006).
ā€¢ Prospathopoulos, A., Sotiropoulos, A., Chatziopoulos, E., Anagnostou, Ch., ā€œCross-shore profile and coastline changes of a sandy beach in Pieria, Greece, based on measurements and numerical simulation ā€, Mediterranean Marine Science, 5 (1), 91-107 (2004).
ā€¢ Soukissian, Ī¤., Prospathopoulos, Ī‘.Īœ., ā€œImplementation of the 3rd generation wave model WAM-Cycle 4 in Aegean Seaā€, Tech. Chron. Sci. J. TCG, Ī™V, 23 (1-2), 7-19 (2003) [in Greek; extended summary in English].
ā€¢ Soukissian, T.H., Prospathopoulos, A.M., Diamanti, Ch., ā€œWind and wave data analysis for the Aegean Sea ā€“ Preliminary resultsā€, The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System, 8, (2ā€“3), 163-189 (2002).
ā€¢ Soukissian, T., Perivoliotis, L., Prospathopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, A., ā€œPerformance of three numerical wave models on the Aegean Sea. First resultsā€, in The Proceedings of the 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. III, J.S. Chung, M. Prevosto and N. Mizutani, eds., pp. 40-45, Stavanger, Norway, 17-22 June 2001.
ā€¢ Athanassoulis, G.A., Prospathopoulos, A.M., ā€œThree-dimensional acoustic scattering from a penetrable layered cylindrical obstacle in a horizontally stratified ocean waveguideā€, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107, 2406-2417 (2000).
ā€¢ Athanassoulis, G.A., Prospathopoulos, A.M., ā€œThree-dimensional acoustic scattering of a source-generated field from a cylindrical islandā€, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 100, 206-218 (1996).

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