Pitta Paraskevi (Vivi)
Position: Associate Researcher
Contact Info
Institute: Oceanography
Address: HCMR, Former American Base of Gournes P.O. Box 2214, 71003 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Tel: +30 2810 337829
Telex: +30 2810 337822
Dr. Pitta completed her doctoral training at the Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, Greece. Her thesis work focused on the dynamics of the plankton community in sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae rearing mesocosms.
Dr. Pitta earned her doctoral and masterās degrees in Marine Biology from the University of Crete, Greece. She holds a second masterās degree in General Ecology from the Universite de Paris-Sud (Paris XI), France and a bachelorās degree in Biology from the University of Athens, Greece.
ā¢ Ph.D., Marine Biology, University of Crete, Greece, 1996
ā¢ M.Sc., Marine Biology, University of Crete, Greece, 1990
ā¢ M.Sc., General Ecology, Universite de Paris-Sud (Paris XI), France, 1987
ā¢ B.Sc., Biology, University of Athens, Greece, 1984
Professional Profile
ā¢ 2006 to date: Associate Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR-Crete, Greece
ā¢ 2003-2006: Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR-Crete, Greece
ā¢ 1996-2003: Researcher, Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, Greece
ā¢ 1988: Research Associate, British Museum Natural History
Scientific and Professional Memberships
ā¢ American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
ā¢ Hellenic Zoological Society (HZS)
ā¢ Hellenic Association of Oceanography (AOCEAN)
ā¢ Hellenic Society MikroBioKosmos
Research Interests
Dr. Pittaās research interests are concerned with the microbial pelagic food webs, their structure and influence on energy flux. She is also interested in the effects of aquaculture on the pelagic ecosystem. Specific interests are flow cytometry and the mixotrophy of planktonic ciliates. One of her recent activities is the development of a facility of marine mesocosms in HCMR-Crete and through this, the study of the response of microbial populations to the availability of nutrients in the extreme oligotrophic environment of the Eastern Mediterranean.
ā¢ Magiopoulos I., Pitta P. Meso-scale diversity of planktonic ciliates along a latitudinal and productivity gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Hydrobiologia (under review)
ā¢ Zervoudaki S., Christou E.D., Assimakopoulou G., Orek H., Gucu A.C., Giannakourou A., Pitta P., Terbiyik T., YĻcel N., Moutsopoulos T., Pagou K., Psarra S., Ozsoy E., Papathanassiou E., 2011. Composition, production and grazing of copepods in the Turkish Straits System and the adjacent northern Aegean Sea during spring. Journal of Marine Systems, 86 (3-4): 45-56
ā¢ Frangoulis C., Psarra S., Zervakis V., Meador T., Mara P., Gogou A., Zervoudaki S., Giannakourou A., Pitta P., Lagaria A., Krasakopoulou E., Siokou-Frangou I., 2010. Connecting export fluxes to plankton food web efficiency in the Black Sea waters inflowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 32 (8): 1203-1216.
ā¢ Tsolaki E., Pitta P., Diamadopoulos E., 2010. Electrochemical disinfection of simulated ballast water using Artemia salina as indicator. Chemical Engineering Journal, 156: 305-312.
ā¢ Pitta P., Tsapakis M., Apostolaki E.T., Tsagaraki T., Holmer M., Karakassis I., 2009. āGhost nutrientsā from fish farms are transferred up the food web by phytoplankton grazers. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374: 1-6.
ā¢ Tanaka T., Zohary T., Krom M.D., Law C.S., Pitta P., Psarra S., Rassoulzadegan F., Thingstad T.F., Tselepides A., Woodward E.M.S., Fonnes Flaten G.A., Skjoldal E.F. & Zodiatis G., 2007. Microbial community structure and function in the Levantine Basin of the Eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research I, 54: 1721-1743.
ā¢ Isari S., Psarra S., Pitta P., Mara P., Tomprou M.O., Ramfos A., Somarakis S., Tselepides A., Koutsikopoulos C. & Fragopoulu N., 2007. Differential patterns of mesozooplanktersā distribution in relation to physical and biological variables of the northeastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Marine Biology, 151: 1035-1050.
ā¢ Thingstad T.F., Law C.S., Krom M.D., Mantoura R.F.C., Pitta P., Psarra S., Rassoulzadegan F., Tanaka T., Wassmann P., Wexels Riser C. & Zohary T., 2006. Response to Comment on āNature of phosphorus limitation in the ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterraneanā Science, 312: 1748d.
ā¢ Tsapakis M., Pitta P. & Karakassis I., 2006. Nutrients and fine particulate matter released from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) farming. Aquatic Living Resources, 19: 69-75.
ā¢ Pitta P., Apostolaki E.T, Tsagaraki T., Tsapakis M. & Karakassis I., 2006 Fish farming effects on chemical and microbial variables of the water column: a spatio-temporal study along the Mediterranean Sea. Hydrobiologia, 563: 99-108.
ā¢ Karakassis I., Machias A., Pitta P., Papadopoulou K.N., Smith C.J., Apostolaki E., Giannoulaki M., Koutsoubas D., Somarakis S., 2006. Cross-community congruence of patterns in a marine ecosystem: Do the parts reflect the whole? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310: 47-54.
ā¢ Krom M.D., Thingstad T.F., Brenner S., Carbo P., Drakopoulos P., Fileman T.W., Flaten G.A.F., Groom S., Herut B., Kitidis V., Kress N., Law C.S., Liddicoat M.I., Mantoura R.F.C., Pasternak A., Pitta P., Polychronaki T., Psarra S., Rassoulzadegan F., Skjoldal E.F., Spyres G., Tanaka T., Tselepides A., Wassmann P., Wexels Risr C., Woodward E.M.S., Zodiatis G. & Zohary T., 2005. Summary and overview of the CYCLOPS P addition Lagrangian experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3090-3108.
ā¢ Herut B., Krom M.D., Mantoura R.F.C., Pitta P., Psarra S., Rasssoulzadegan F., Thingstad F., Tanaka T. & Zohary T., 2005. Response of East Mediterranean surface water to Saharan dust: On-board microcosm experiment and field observations. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3024-3040.
ā¢ Kress N., Thingstad T.F., Herut B., Zohary T., Pitta P., Psarra S., Polychronaki T., Spyres G., Mantoura F., Tanaka T., Rasssoulzadegan F., Groom S. & Krom M., 2005. Effect of P and N addition to oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean waters influenced by near-shore waters: A microcosm experiment. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3054-3073.
ā¢ Zohary T., Herut B., Krom M.D., Mantoura R.F.C., Psarra S., Pitta P., Rassoulzadegan F., Stambler N., Thingstad T.F., Tanaka T. & Woodward E.M.S., 2005. P-limited bacteria but N and P co-limited phytoplankton in the Eastern Mediterranean – a microcosm experiment. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3011-3023.
ā¢ Fonnes Flaten G.A., Skjoldal E.F., Krom M.D., Law C.S., Mantoura F.C., Pitta P., Psarra S., Tanaka T., Tselepides A., Woodward E.M.S., Zohary T & Thingstad T.F., 2005. Studies of the microbial P-cycle during a Lagrangian phosphate-addition experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 2928-2943.
ā¢ Pitta P., Stambler N., Tanaka T., Zohary T., Tselepides A. & Rassoulzadegan F., 2005. Biological response to P addition in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The microbial race against time. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 2961-2974.
ā¢ Pitta P., Apostolaki E.T., Giannoulaki M. & Karakassis I., 2005. Mesoscale changes in the water column in response to fish farming zones in three coastal areas in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Estuarine & Coastal Shelf Science, 65: 501-512.
ā¢ Thingstad T.F., Krom M.D., Mantoura R.F.C., Flaten G.A.F., Herut B., Kress N., Law C., Pasternak A., Pitta P., Psarra S., Rassoulzadegan F., Tanaka T., Tselepides A., Wassmann P., Woodward E.M.S., Wexels-Riiser C., Zodiatis G. & Zohary T., 2005. Nature of phosphorus limitation in the ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean. Science, 309: 1068-1071.
ā¢ Pitta P. & Karakassis I., 2005. Size distribution in ultraphytoplankton: a comparative analysis of counting methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 102: 85-101.
ā¢ Karakassis I., Pitta P. & Krom M.D., 2005. Contribution of fish farming to the nutrient loading of the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 69: 313-321.
ā¢ Chalkia D. & Pitta P., 2003. Temporal variation and dynamics of pelagic variables in two contrasting coastal ecosystems. Journal of the Marine Biological Association U.K., 83: 23-25.
ā¢ Siokou-Frangou I., Bianchi M., Christaki U., Christou E.D., Giannakourou A., Gotsis O., Ignatiades L., Pagou K., Pitta P., Psarra S., Souvermezoglou E., Van Wambeke F. & Zervakis V., 2002. Carbon flow in the planktonic food web along a gradient of oligotrophy in the Aegean Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Marine Systems, 33-34: 335-353.
ā¢ Karakassis I., Tsapakis M., Hatziyanni E. & Pitta P., 2001. Diel variation of nutrients and chlorophyll in sea bream and sea bass cages in the Mediterranean. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 10(3): 278-283.
ā¢ Pitta P., Giannakourou A. & Christaki U., 2001. Planktonic ciliates in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: longitudinal trends of standing stocks, distributions and analysis of food vacuole contents. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 24: 297-311.
ā¢ Pitta P. & Giannakourou A., 2000. Planktonic ciliates in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean: vertical, spatial distribution and mixotrophy. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 194: 269-282.
ā¢ Pitta P., Karakassis I., Tsapakis M. & Zivanovic S., 1999. Natural vs. mariculture induced variability in nutrients and plankton in the Eastern Mediterranean. Hydrobiologia, 391(1/3): 179-192.
ā¢ Pitta P., Giannakourou A., Divanach P. & Kentouri M., 1998. Planktonic food web in marine mesocosms in the Eastern Mediterranean: bottom-up or top-down regulation? Hydrobiologia, 363: 97-105.
ā¢ Pitta P., Divanach P. & Kentouri M., 1995. Nano- and microplankton in Iraklion Bay, Crete: Comparison of coastal waters and mesocosm enclosures assemblages. In: Eleftheriou A., A. Ansell & C.J Smith (eds): The Biology and Ecology of Shallow Coastal Waters, Proc. 28th EMBS, pp 79-86. Olsen & Olsen, Fredenborg.
ā¢ Ogden C.G. & Pitta P., 1990. Biology and ultrastructure of the mycophagous, soil testate amoeba Phryganella acropodia (Rhizopoda, Protozoa). Biology and Fertility of Soils, 9(2): 101-109.
ā¢ Ogden C.G. & Pitta P., 1989. Morphology and construction of the shell wall in an agglutinate soil testate amoeba Phryganella acropodia (Rhizopoda). Journal of Protozoology, 36(4): 437-445.
ā¢ Couteaux M.-M., Henkinet R., Pitta P., Bottner P., Billes G., Palka L. & Vannier G., 1989. Native carbon mineralization of an acid organic soil after use of the chloroform-fumigation method to estimate microbial biomass. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 8(2): 172-177.
ā¢ Nicolaidou A. & Pitta P., 1986. Fauna associated with marine plants in a brackish lagoon of Amvrakikos Bay. Biologia Gallo-hellenica, 12: 141-147.