Peristeraki Panagiota (Nota)

by / Friday, 14 November 2014 / Published in people

Position: Technical Researcher

Contact Info

Institute: Marine Biological Resources
Address: HCMR 71500 Gournes Pediados Crete, Greece
Tel: +30 2810337830
Telex: +302810337822


Mrs Panagiota (Nota) Peristeraki is a research technician at HCMR, since 2003, and had a similar position at IMBC from 1989 to 2002. She holds a B.Sc. degree in Biology from the University of Athens.

Mrs Peristeraki has been working in research projects dealing with large pelagic and demersal fish species since 1987. She is scientific responsible for the Mediterranean International Trawl Survey (MEDITS) in the south Aegean Sea since 2002, and for the large pelagic tagging campaign in Greece (conventional and satellite electronic tagging). In the frames of the tagging campaign, it was achieved, for the first time worldwide, the tagging of small juvenile swordfish with mini satellite tags.

She has participated in several international research projects concerning fishery biology and dynamics of large pelagic and demersal species and has published relevant scientific articles in journals and books. Regularly participates in the working groups of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). She is member of the MEDITS Steering Committee.

Mrs Peristeraki has first identified and reported the presence of the highly toxic invasive fish Lagocephalus sceleratus in Crete and participated at the campaign for the public awaireness.

Education Profile

• B.Sc., Biology, University of Athens

Professional Profile

• 1987-1988: Research Technician, Laboratory of Fishery biology, University of Crete.
• 1989-2002: Research Technician, Institute of Marine Biology of Crete
• 2003-2011: Research Technician, Hellenic Center for Marine Research

Scientific and Professional Memberships

• ICCAT working groups
• Mediterranean International Trawl Survey (MEDITS) Steering Committee
• European Tuna Tagging Planning Group
• Geotechnic Society of Greece
• Panhellenic Union of Bioscientists

Research Interests

Mrs Peristeraki’s research interests are concerned with the fishery biology, dynamics and management of large pelagic and demersal species. She is also interested in new tagging techniques and research concerning the invasive fish species in the Mediterranean.

Recent selected publications

P. Peristeraki, G. Tserpes and E. Lefkaditou. 2005. What cephalopod remains from Xiphias gladius stomachs can imply about predator-prey interactions in the Mediterranean Sea? Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 67 (2), 549-554.

Tserpes, G., Moutopoulos D.K., Peristeraki P., Katselis G. and C. Koutsikopoulos, 2006. Study of swordfish fishing dynamics in the eastern Meditarranean by means of machine-learning approaches. Fisheries Research, 78:196-202.

Tserpes G., P. Peristeraki, and J. R. Nielsen, 2006. Ecological Side-Effects of Fishing from the Fisheries Management Perspective. In: “The Knowledge Base for Fisheries Management”. Eds. L. Motos, D.C. Wilson. Elsevier, Oxford, Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 36, pp. 454 (267-294).

G. Tatamanidis, G. Tserpes, and P. Peristeraki, 2006. Spatiotemporal variations in shark-by catches of the Greek swordfish fishery in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the 8th Hel. Symp. Oceanogr. & Fish. 2006, p.226.

Kasapides, P., Peristeraki, P., Tserpes, G. and A. Magoulas, 2007. First record of the Lessepsian migrant Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin 1789) (Osteichthyes: Tetraodondidae) in the Cretan Sea (Aegean, Greece). Aquatic invasions, 2: 71-73.

Kasapides, P., Peristeraki, P., Tserpes, G. and A. Magoulas, 2007. A new record of the Lessepsian invasive fish Etrumeus teres (Osteichthyes: Clupeidae) in the Mediterranean Sea (Aegean, Greece). Aquatic invasions, 2(2): 152-154.

Peristeraki, P., Lazarakis, G., Skarvelis, K., Georgiadis, M., Tserpes, G., 2007. Additional records on the occurrence of alien fish species in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 7: 61-67

P. Peristeraki, 2007. Fisheries independed assessment methods: Tagging. In: “State of Hellenic Fisheries”. (C. Papaconstantinou, A, Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou & G. Tserpes (eds) HCMR Publ., 369-374.

P. Peristeraki & P. Megalophonoy, 2007. Sharks and Rays. In: “State of Hellenic Fisheries”. (C. Papaconstantinou, A, Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou & G. Tserpes (eds) HCMR Publ., 433-439.

C-Y. Politou, P. Peristeraki and A. Kallianiotis, 2007. Fisheries independed assessment methods: Demersal surveys. In: “State of Hellenic Fisheries”. (C. Papaconstantinou, A, Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou & G. Tserpes (eds) HCMR Publ., 360-368.

G. Tserpes & P. Peristeraki, 2007. Highly migratory species. In: “State of Hellenic Fisheries”. (C. Papaconstantinou, A, Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou & G. Tserpes (eds) HCMR Publ., 208-212.

P. Peristeraki, G. Lazarakis, K. Skarvelis, N. Kypraios, G. Tserpes, 2007. Temporal growth differences of swordfish recruits in the eastern Mediterranean. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 60(6):2063-2068.

G. Tserpes and P. Peristeraki, 2007. Effects of a seasonal closure of the Mediterranean swordfish fisheries on the stock production levels. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 60(6): 2059-2062.

Tserpes, G., Peristeraki, P. and V. Valavanis, 2008. Distribution of swordfish in the eastern Mediterranean, in relation to environmental factors and the species biology. Hydrobiologia, 612: 241-250.

Tserpes, G., Politou, C-Y., Peristeraki, P., Kallianiotis, A. and Papaconstantinou, C., 2008. Identi?cation of hake distribution pattern and nursery grounds in the Hellenic seas by means of generalized additive models. Hydrobiologia, 612: 125-133.

Kasapidis P., Mejuto, J., Tserpes, G., Antoniou, A., Garcia-Cortes, B., Peristeraki, P., Oikonomaki, K., Kotoulas, G., Magoulas, A., 2008. Genetic structure of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) stocks in the Atlantic using microsatellite DNA analysis. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap., 61: 89-98.

Kotoulas, G., Mejuto, J., Antoniou, A., Kasapidis, P., Tserpes, G., Piccinetti, C., Peristeraki, P., Garcia-Cortes, B., Oikonomaki, K., De La Serna, J.M., Magoulas, A., 2008. Global genetic structure of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)as revealed by microsatellite DNA markers. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap., 61: 79-88.

Peristeraki, P., Kypraios, N., Lazarakis, G. & Tserpes, G., 2008. By-catches and discards of the Greek swordfish fishery. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 62(4): 1070-1073.

Lefcaditou E., Peristeraki P., Zenetos A., & Politou C-Y., 2008. Climatic effects on marine environment and species expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. (poster ID: W2&W3 – 4987) Symposium of ICES/PICES/IOC on “Effects of Climatic Change on the World’s Oceans”, May 18, 2008, Gijon, Spain.

George Tserpes, Evangelos Tzanatos, Panagiota Peristeraki, Vincenzo Placenti, Laurence Kell, 2009. A bio-economic evaluation of different management measures for the Mediterranean sword?sh. Fisheries Research 96 (2009) p.160–166.

Lefkaditou E., Tserpes G., Vidoris P., Peristeraki P., Politou C.Y., Frantzis A. & Kallianiotis A. 2009. Distribution of some uncommon cephalopod species on the Hellenic continental slope (Eastern Mediterranean). Abstracts, 11th ICZEGAR, 2009 Herakleion, Greece, p. 56.

Peristeraki, P., Lazarakis, G. & Tserpes, G., 2010. First results on the maturity of the lessepsian migrant Lagocephalus sceleratus (GMELIN 1789) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. RAPP. COMM. INT. MER MEDIT. VOL. 39 – page 628

G. Tserpes, P. Peristeraki, 2010. Differences in the selection pattern of drifting longlines used in the greek swordfish fishery. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 65: 302-306.

E. Lefkaditou, P. Peristeraki, N. Chartosia, A. Salman, 2011. Recent findings of Ommastrephes bartramii (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in the eastern Mediterranean and implication on its range expansion. Mediterranean Marine Science, 12/1 : 413-418.

G. Tserpes, E. Tzanatos and P. Peristeraki, 2011. Spatial management of the Mediterranean bottom-trawl fisheries: the case of the southern Aegean Sea. Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s10750-011-0667-7

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