Papadopoulou Nadia
Position: Researcher
Contact Info
Institute: Marine Biological Resources
Address: HCMR, Crete P.O. Box 2214 71003 Iraklion Crete, Greece
Tel: +30 2810 337827
Telex: +30 2810 337822
She was employed at the Institute of Marine Biology of Crete in 1988 as a research technician, working for many years as a polychaete taxonomist supporting a variety of projects in benthic ecology. Her work gradually expanded from a supportive to a leading role in working on and administering projects in ecosystem research, invertebrate fisheries and fishery techniques.
Through several projects Nadia’s work focussed in investigating ecosystem status, pressures and impacts and more latterly management, policy and public awareness issues. She is currently leading the Greek involvement and is the Mediterranean regional coordinator in the EU funded ODEMM project: Options for Delivering Ecosystem-based Marine Management.
Nadia’s involvement in EU projects in the last 10 years has included: ODEMM, BADMINTON, MEDISEH, MEECE, CoralFISH, SuSy, NECCESITY, ELME, COST-IMPACT, AQCESS.
• B.Sc. Biology, Athens University, Greece, 1987
Professional Profile
• 2003, Research Assistant Institute of Marine Biological Resources (IMBR), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Crete Centre
• 1999 Secretary to the Management Board, Institute of Marine Biology
• 1988, Research Technician Institute of Marine Biology (IMBC), Crete, Greece
Research Interests
• Ecosystem impacts and ecosystem approach to marine management of pressures: impacts of fishing (target, not target, discards, survival, fate, recovery), aquaculture, other marine/maritime impacts (eg litter) and assessment methodologies
• Invertebrate fisheries: life histories and ecology, age, growth and mortality, dynamics and stock assessment with emphasis on Nephrops norvegicus
• Gear technologies: fishing gear selection, alternative fishing techniques (particularly trapping)
• Benthic ecology: megafaunal and macrofaunal community structure and dynamics, ecosystem processes and functioning, biological traits analysis, interactions of functional groups
• Technologies: application of imaging technologies (e.g. UWTV sledge Nephrops burrow density, SPI REMOTS, SSS, mapping trawl marks)
• Public awareness on environmental issues/scientific dissemination, societal relevance, policies
• Petihakis, G., Smith, C. J., Triantafyllou, G., Sourlantzis, G., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Pollani, A., Korres G., 2007. Scenario testing of fisheries management strategies using a high resolution ERSEM–POM ecosystem model. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64: 1627-1640
• Karakassis, I., Machias, A, Pitta, P., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Smith, C.J., Apostolaki, E., Giannoulaki, M., Koutsoubas, D., Somerakis, S., 2006. Cross community congruence patterns in marine ecosystems: does the part reflect the whole? . Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310: 47-54.
• Machias A., Giannoulaki, M., Somarakis, S., Maravelias, C.D., Neofitou, C., Koutsoubas, D., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Karakassis, I., 2006. Fish farming effects on local fisheries landings in oligotrophic seas Aquaculture 261 (2): 809-816
• Machias A., Karakassis, I., Giannoulaki, M., Papadopoulou, K.- N ., Smith, C. J. ,Somarakis, S., 2005. The response of demersal fish communities to the presence of fish farms. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 288: 241-250.
• Machias, A., Karakassis, I., Labropoulou, M., Somarakis, S., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Papaconstantinou, C. 2004. Changes in wild fish assemblages after the establishment of a fish farming zone in oligotrophic marine ecosystems Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 60 (4): 771-779.
• Smith, C.J. & Papadopoulou, K.-N., 2003. Burrow density and stock size fluctuations of Nephrops norvegicus in a semi-enclosed bay. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 60: 798-805.
• Smith, C.J., Marrs, S.J., Atkinson, R.J.A., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Hills, J.M., 2003. Evaluation of the underwater television technique for fisheries-independent stock assessment of Nephrops norvegicus from the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 256: 161-170.
• Smith, C.J., Rumohr, H., Karakassis, I., Papadopoulou, K.-N., 2003. Analysing the impact of bottom trawls on sedimentary seabeds with sediment profile imagery. Benthic Dynamics: in situ surveillance of the sediment-water interface. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 285–286: 479–496
• Apostolaki, E., Tsapakis, M., Tsagaraki, T., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Karakassis. I., 2003. Effect of time of first deployment and duration on the succession of benthic organisms on biofilters used to mitigate impact of fish farms on water quality in Crete. Annals for Istrain and Mediterranean Studies, 13: 29-32.
• Smith, C.J., Papadopoulou, K.-N. , Diliberto, S., 2000. Impact of Otter trawling on an eastern Mediterranean commercial fishing ground. ICES Journal of Marine Science; 57: 1340-1351.
• Tselepides, A., Papadopoulou, K.-N., Podaras, D., Plaiti, W., Koutsoubas, D. , Pantazoglou, F., 2000. Macrobenthic community structure and dynamics over the continental margin of north Crete. Progress in Oceanography, 46: 401-428.
• Karakassis, I., Tsapakis, M., Hatziyianni, E., Papadopoulou, K.-N., 2000. Impact of bass and bream farming in cages on the seabed in three Mediterranean coastal areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57:1462-1471.