I-ADAPT Project (Invasion and ADAPTation of seagrass Halophila stipulacea in a warming Mediterranean Sea)

by / Monday, 04 February 2019 / Published in




The project I-ADAPT (Invasion and ADAPTation of seagrass Halophila stipulacea in a warming Mediterranean Sea) aims at studying the adaptation of H. stipulacea in the Mediterranean and the role of temperature in facilitating its expansion across the basin.

We will analyze environmental, ecophysiological, genomic and proteomic data from populations expanding at the natural biogeographic zone of the species (i.e. Red Sea) and populations from areas along the natural thermal gradient of the Mediterranean basin (Cyprus, Greece, Italy).

The objectives are to explore

1. the genetic diversity of H. stipulacea   populations in order to detect

1.1 if Mediterranean populations are genetically divergent from Red Sea populations,

1.2  whether there is genetic structure between Mediterranean populations and if this structure reflects the   geographic distance from the source (Red Sea) population and the natural thermal cline occurring across the Mediterranean basin,

1.3 whether the invading populations face genetic bottlenecks and

1.4 which is the genetic diversity within meadows, the percentage of clonality and whether different meadows share particular genotypes
2. the relationship between genetic and proteomic profile with environmental (temperature, depth) and ecophysiological (abundance, growth, nutrient content) variables.



I-ADAPT project is co-funded by Greece and the EU.

For more information, please contact Dr. Apostolaki Eugenia

Institute of Oceanography

email: eapost@hcmr.gr

T: +30 2810337714




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