POSBEMED project.
POSBEMED is a modular Interred MED project that focuses on the sustainable
management of the Mediterranean coasts, and specifically on the conflicts and
opportunities in coastal areas where interdependence between seagrass meadows, dunes
and beaches occur.
This project is led by the Entente Interdépartementale de Démoustication
Méditerranée (EID-MED, France) and involves four main partners from the
Mediterranean basin: the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (Malaga, Spain),
the IMC Foundation – International Marine Centre (Sardinia, Italy), ECO-logica srl
(Bari, Italy) and HCMR – Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Anavissos, Greece).
Total project budget is 596,750 euros (85% co-funded by the European Development
Fund) and its duration is 21 months (November 2016 to July 2018).
For more information regarding the project’s objectives and HCMR’s role, click here
for a two page brochure, or check the official webpage of the project:
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