MARINE–EO is calling for Tenders.
MARINE–EO is the first Earth Observation Pre-Commercial Procurement. The Call for Tenders was launched and it invites interested companies and consortia around Europe to present their offers to bridging innovative downstream earth observation and Copernicus enabled services for integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security. Download all Tender Documents from and submit your proposal in
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Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands
In the framework of the Interreg MED – PELAGOS project, Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands (PELAGOS), the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is the coordinator of the Greek Hub for Blue Energy (GH4BE). Under this role, HCMR is responsible for the rational and transparent
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CLAIM project consortium celebrates launch
19 institutions from 13 EU-countries and 2 non-EU countries have launched a four-year-long Horizon 2020 project set to reduce marine litter pollution The Newly funded, EU Horizon 2020 project CLAIM targets increasing pollution in marine areas by focusing on the development of innovative cleaning technologies and approaches. CLAIM stands for “Cleaning marine Litter by developing and Applying Innovative Methods in European Seas.” During CLAIMs, official
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IODP Expedition 391: Corinth Drilling
Media Release +++ Embargo: October 19th 2017, 3 pm CEST+++ Scientific ocean drilling expedition explores continental rift development in Greece International science party to focus on faulting, landscape evolution and past climate in a seismically active rift The Corinth Rift, located in the Gulf of Corinth in Central Greece is one of the most seismically
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Applications are invited from scientists in Greece to join the Science Party for IODP Expedition 381: Corinth Active Rift Development. Any scientist who feel that his/her expertise is relevant to the objectives of the proposal may apply.
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Greek Hub Demonstration Event for Blue Energy Clustering
The Interreg MED European project PELAGOS ( aims at establishing a Transnational Mediterranean Innovative Cluster in Blue Energy (BE), which will be composed of seven (7) National networks/clusters (Hubs).
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Scientists from 19 research institutes and 2 enterprises from 12 countries across Europe..
Scientists from 19 research institutes and 2 enterprises from 12 countries across Europe have joined forces in a Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, in short: AQUACOSM.
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