Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (IMBRIW)
Field Sampling Equipment for Fish & Invertebrate Sampling, Water Column, Acoustics and Optical Imaging.
The main equipment of the Institute is composed of: a multi factorial scanner for quality control (CTD), mobile instruments for water quality control, ion analyzing system, etc
Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC)
The Institute has free access to all existing large-scale structures /facilities of HCMR, e.g., RV AEGAIO, RV PHILIA, deep sea vessel THETIS, ROVs, small craft, RoxAnn for mapping the seabed, etc.
The Institute' s equipment consists of experimental and pilot installations of aquacultureThe Institute' s equipment consists of experimental and pilot installations of aquaculture, etc.
The Scientific / Research Field Equipment of the Institute of Oceanography includes the Physical Oceanography Field Equipment, Chemical Oceanography Field Equipment, Marine Biology Field Equipment and Marine Geology-Geophysics-Seismology Field Equipment