Position: Specialized Scientific St
Contact Info
Institute: Inland Waters
Address: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Tel: +3022910 -76396
Telex: +3022910 -76419
Website: http
Ilias Bertahas is an Environmental Engineer working as a specialized scientist in the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, in the Institute of Inland Waters with the following research activities
-Quality of freshwater resources and management (lakes, rivers, reservoirs).
-Pollution control studies for point and non-point pollution sources.
-Hydro-ecological aspects & trophic status.
-Environmental feasibility studies for water uses.
– Freshwater management and protection.
– Water quality projects
– Environmental impact assessment studies.
Ilias Bertahas has taught Environmental Technology courses in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus.
Ilias Bertahas finished his first cycle of studies on the subject of Natural sciences and Geography in the University of Athens and his Master degree on the subject of Environmental Engineering in the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT, USA).
-Msc in Environmental Engineering (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, 1981)
-BSc in Natural Sciences and Geography (Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1972)
Professional profile:
1987-2011: Specialized Scientific Stuff, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Academic profile:
– 1986-1991: Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus.
– 1991: Technological Educational Institute Of Athens
Scientific and Steering Committees:
– Geotechnical Chamber, Greece.
Participation in Scientific Programs:
– Participation in more than 30 national and international projects.
1. BERTAHAS I.T., H.E. ALLEN, M.T. UNGER, 1981. “Effect of Metal Mobilization on Metal Partitioning Among Sediment Phases”. 4th Midwest Water Chemistry Workshop Program, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, October 1981.
2. ALLEN H.E., M.T. UNGER, I.T.BERTAHAS, 1982. “Mobilization of Trace Metals from Japanese Sediments by Nitriloacetic Acid (a detergent builder)”. Journal of Water and Waste, Vol.5, 35-40.
3. ALLEN H.E., M.T. UNGER, I.BERTAHAS & C. MICLOSH, 1982.”Strength of Binding of Metals by Sediment Phases”. 7th International Conference, Chemistry of the Mediterranean, Sibivek Yugoslavia.
4. ALLEN H.E. , M.T. UNGER, I.T.BERTAHAS, AND C. MICLOSH, 1982. “Strength of Binding of Metals by Sediment Phases”. Thalassia Yugoslavica, vol.18, 125-134.
5. KOUSSOURIS T., G. PHOTIS, A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1989. -Water quality evaluation in lakes of Greece. In: Watershed 89, The Future for Water Quality in Europe, Advances in Water Pollution Control, Ed. D. Wheeler, M. Richardson & J. Bridges, IAWPRC, 119-128.
6. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, K. GRITZALIS, 1989. -Self- Purification processes along a polluted river in Greece. Water Science and Technology, 21: 1869-1872.
7. KOUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, K. GRITZALIS, 1990. – Evaluating water quality in the Louros river (Greece). Using biotic indices based on invertebrate communities. Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 9(4): 163-174.
8. KOUSSOURIS T., A.DIAPOULIS & I.BERTAHAS, 1990. -Algae impairing the water quality in a pressure treatment plant (Chalkis Water supply, Greece). Water Pollution Research and Control, 131-134.
9. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, G. PHOTIS, 1991. -Evaluating trophic status and restoration procedures of a polluted lake, lake Kastoria, Greece. GeoJournal, 23.2, 153-161.
10.Koussouris T., A. Diapoulis, I.Bertahas, G. Fotis, N. Nikolaidis & C.Gritzalis.1991. “Geotechnical upgrading proceedures for Lake Kastoria” Technical Report, Institute of Inland Waters, Department of Environment. Geotechnica, Volume 2, p 49-67.
11. DIAPOULIS A., T.KOUSSOURIS, G.PHOTIS & I.BERTAHAS, 1991. -Ecological stresses on a delta area in Western Greece. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 31-32:285-290.
12.KOUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, 1992. -Upgrading a lake ecosystem with reed harvesting. Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 11(3): 163-172.
13.KOUSSOURIS T., I.BERTAHAS & A.DIAPOULIS, 1992. -Background trophic state of Greek lakes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 1:96-101.
14.DIAPOULIS A., T. KOUSSOURIS, C. BOGDANOS, G. FOTIS & I. BERTAHAS, 1994. – Distribution of benthic organisms in a volcanic sae area, Aegean sea, Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 3:18-23.
15. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS,. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1994. The distribution of invertabrate fauna along Louros river (Greece). Bios, 2:109-114.
16.CONIDIS A., T. KOUSSOURIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1995.- Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha:Population dynamics and notes on control strategies in a reservoir in western Greece. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, 11:329-336.
17.NIKOLAIDIS N., T. KOUSSOURIS, T. MURRAY, I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, GRITZALIS, 1996.- Seasonal variation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis of lake Trichonis, Greece. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, 12(3): 364-370.
18.CONIDIS A., T. KOUSSOURIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1995.- Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha:Population dynamics and notes on control strategies in a reservoir in western Greece. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, 11:329-336.
19.NIKOLAIDIS N., T. KOUSSOURIS, T. MURRAY, I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, GRITZALIS, 1996.- Seasonal variation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis of lake Trichonis, Greece. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, 12(3): 364-370.
20.SKOULIKIDIS N, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998.- The environmental state of freshwater resources in Greece (rivers and lakes). Environmental Geology, 36, 1/2, 1-17.
21. GRITZALIS K, K. BOGDANOS, N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998.- Ecological estimation of the upper part Aliakmon river, Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 7:351-355.
22. SKOULIKIDIS N., I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998. An overview on the quality of greek freshwaters (rivers and lakes). European Environmental Research, Selected Readings, Publ. European Environmental Research Network, East-West series in Economics, Business and the Environment, Vol. I, No 2, 95-107.
23. ZACHARIAS I.,I BERTAHAS, N. SKOULIKIDIS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 2002.- Greek Lakes: Limnilogical Overview, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 2002 7:55-62
B. Presentations in International Symposia – Seminars – Workshops (published in proceedings and or abstract books).
1. KOUSSOURIS T., .DIAPOULIS, I.BERTAHAS & K.GRITZALIS 1988. -Self cleansing Processes along a polluted river in Greece. 14th Biennial Conference and Exhibition on Water Pollution Control, Brighton, U.K.,.
2. DIAPOULIS A., T. KOUSSOURIS, G. PHOTIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1989. -Ecological stresses on a delta area in western Greece. 5th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region (MESAEP), Blanes, Spain (55).
3. ΚOUSSOURIS T., Α. DIAPOULIS, I.BERTAHAS, Κ. GRITZALIS, 1989. – The pollution of Louros River and its effect to the ecosystem. 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, 300-309.
4. DIAPOULIS A., T. KOUSSOURIS, E. PAPAGEORGIOY, I. BERTAHAS, 1990. – An ecological view of a littoral zone in a gulf in western Greece. 32th Commission Internationale pour L’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM), France, 32(1):77
5. KOUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, 1990. -Lake management procedures in an eutrophic lake in Greece. 4th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, ” Hangzhou 90″ , Hangzhou, China, 195-196.
6. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1990. -Algae impairing the water quality in a pressure treatment plant (Chalkis water supply, Greece). 15th International Conference of International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC), Kyoto, Japan, 131-134.
7. KOUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, 1991. – Evaluation of the background trophic state of the Greek lakes. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, (MESAEP), Como, Italy (77).
8. ΚΟUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, V. PAKOS, 1991. –The influences of zebra mussels development on the water supply systems in Agrinio town. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, 526-533.
9. ΚOUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, A. DIAPOULIS, N. NIKOLAIDIS, 1993. The ionic composition of common reed in Trichonis lake. Index for management and lacustrine protection. 3rdt International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, 188-196.
10. DIAPOULIS A., K. BOGDANOS, T. KOUSSOURIS, E. PAPAGEORGIOU, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, E. DIAPOULI, 1993. The influence of geothermic field on the distribution of phyto-zoobenthos in a marine area, Nisiros island. 3rdt International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, 179-187.
11. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, N. NIKOLAIDIS, V. PAKOS, 1993. -Disinfection effectiveness of chlorine to control zebra mussels in a water supply system in Greece. 1st SETAC World Congress Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry – a Global Perspective, Lisbon, Portugal (288).
12. DIAPOULIS A., K. BOGDANOS, T. KOUSSOURIS, M.PAPAGEORGIOU, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1993. –Benthic distribution in coastal zone of Milos island. 4th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Rhodos, .
13. KOUSSOURIS T., A. DIAPOULIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1993. -Impact of pollution on the distribution of invertebrate fauna along Louros River. 6th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Thessaloniki, Greece (50).
14. KOUSSOURIS T., A.DIAPOULIS, I.BERTAHAS & N.NIKOLAIDIS, 1993.- Seasonal flow heavy metals and phosphorus through common read in a Greek lake. 7th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, (MESAEP), France.
15. DIAPOULIS A., C. BOGDANOS, T. KOUSSOURIS, E. PAPAGEORGIOU, K. GRIDZALIS, I. BERTAHAS & E. DIAPOULI, 1993.- Benthic affinities in a sea area of Nisyros island, Greece. 7th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, (MESAEP), France.
16. GRITZALIS K., K. BOGDANOS, N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1997.- Ecological classification of the upper patr Aliakmon river, Greece. 9th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, (MESAEP), Italy.
17. GRITZALIS K., K. BOGDANOS, N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1997.- Ecological classification of the upper patr Aliakmon river, Greece. 9th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, (MESAEP), Italy.
18. ZAHARIAS I., T.KOUSSOURIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS,, 1997.- Impacts of ichthyotrophic activities to the aquatic environment of Kremasta reservoir. 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, V Β’, 21-26.
19. ZAHARIAS I., N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998.- Utilization of groundwater desalination in the water supply of seasonal stressed regions. VI International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Halkidiki, Greece, V 1,76-82p.
20. KOUSSOURIS T., A. CONIDES, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1998.- Assessing the ecological quality and fisheries productivity of Aliakmon river, Greece. International Conference on Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Running Waters, Vienna, Austria (32).
21.SKOULIKIDIS N., K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1999.- Environmental quality assessment of a Mediterranean river system. 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Pythagorion, Samos, Vol. A.: p.112-119.
22.SKOULIKIDIS N., AMAXIDIS Y., BERTAHAS I., LASCHOU S. & GRITZALIS K., 2005. Analysis of factors driving stream water composition and synthesis of management tools – A case study on small/medium Greek catchments. The Science of the Total Environment. (362: 205-241)
23. Bertahas Ilias, Elias Dimitriou, Ioannis Karaouzas, Sofia Lasxou, Iorotheos Zaxarias. Climate change and agricultyral pollution effects on the trofic status of a Mediterrannean lake. Acta hydrochim hydrobiol 2006, (34, 349-359)
C. Greek Scientific Journals.
1.ΚΟUSSOURIS T., G. FOTIS, A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, N. NIKOLAIDIS, B. PAKOS, K. GRITZALIS, 1993. –The eradication of zebra mussels in water supply of Agrinio town. Geotechnical Scientific Issues, 4,1:62-83 (in Greek with English summary).
D. Presentations in Greek Conferences (published in proceedings in Greek with English summary)..
1. ΚΟUSSOURIS T., Α. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, G. FOTIS, 1989. –Evaluation of natural trophic state in Greek lakes. Assumption for the restoration of receivers. 6rd Seminar for Environmental Protection, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 114-120.
2. ΚΟUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, V, PAKOS, 1990. –Quality problems of drinking water from lakes. Case study of Chalkis and Agrinio towns. 2nd Symposium in Chemisrty Greece and Cyprus. V 2:395-399.
3. ΚΟUSSOURIS T., I. BERTAHAS, K. GRITZALIS, 1996.- Water supply of cities from natural and artificial lakes. The problems of Agrinio and Chalkis cities and methodology for their face. International Symposium for water resource management, ΤΕΕ, Larisa.
4. BERTAHAS I., G. FOTIS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1997.- Trophism tendancy, pollution sources and pollution loading in Trichonis lake, Δυτική Ελλάδα. 5th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Kavala, V. ΙΙ, 329-332.
5. ZAHARIAS I., T. KOUSSOURIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1997.- Environmental measures in Kremasta reservoir. 5th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Kavala, V. ΙΙ, 325-328.
6. GRITZALIS K., K. BOGDANOS, A. DIAPOULIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1997.- Surface water quality and biological indices. 4th Hydrogeological Symposium, Thessaliniki, 9.
7.GRITZALIS, K., I. ZAHARIAS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1997.- Characteristic of invertebrate fauna in mountainous creeks of Acheloos river. 19th Hellenic Symposium EEBE and 1st Biological Symposium of Balkan Countries, (140).
8. GRITZALIS K., N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, I. ZAHARIAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998.- Ecological estimation of riverine sites in Aliakmon, Axios and Strimonas rivers. 20th Hellenic Symposium of EEBE, Kalamata.53.
9 GRITZALIS K., N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, I. ZAHARIAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 1998.- Ecological estimation of riverine sites in the rivers Aliakmon, Axios, Strimonas. 20th Hellenic Symposium EEBE, Kalamata,53.
10.ZAHARIAS I., T. KOUSSOURIS, K. GRITZALIS, I. BERTAHAS, 1999.- Estimation of water quality in Kremasta reservoir. 4th National Symposium of EEDYP, “Management of water resources in sensitive Greek areas’’. Volos, 63-66p.
11.ZAHARIAS I., C. DAOULAS, R. BARBIERI, T. KOUSSOURIS, I. BERTAHAS, M. STOUBOUDI, T. PSARRAS, S. GIAKOUMI, A. ECONOMOU, 2000.- Comparative study of physicochemical and biological parameters in the reservoirs Aoos and Pournari. 6th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Hios, 224-229p.
12. GRITZALIS K., A. VOURDOUBA, N. SKOULIKIDIS, I. BERTAHAS, T. KOUSSOURIS, 2001.- On the application of EU directive. Ecological estimation of Alfios river quality. 6th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Hios, 218-223p.
13. Daoulas C., A. Economou, T. Psaras, M. Stouboudi, R. Barbieri, I.Bertahas 2001.- Distribution,Ecology and Biological Characteristics of fish in the Basin of Acheloos River. 10o panhellenic symposium of Ichthyologists, Chania , October 18-20 , pp 265-268.
14.Skoulikidis N, K. Gritzalis, A. N. Economou, E. Dimitriou, S. Zogaris, I. Bertahas, A. Papadopoulos (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research) APPLICATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOOLS FOR INTEGRATED BASIN MANAGEMENT (Aqua 2006. Water Science and Technology. Integrated Management of Water Resources. 23-26 November 2006 Athens 2006)
15. Ελεγχόμενη Φυσική αποκατάσταση Θρεπτικών στη Λεκάνη Απορροής του ποταμού Ευρώτα. Συνέδρειο ΕΕΔΥΠ. Water Resources Management, New approaches and Technologies, European Resources Association. Chania, Greece, 14-16 June 2007