IODP EXPEDITION 381: CORINTH ACTIVE RIFT DEVELOPMENT – Πρόσκληση Συμμετοχής για Ελληνες Επιστήμονες
The Sea Change project invites you to help protect our ocean by joining its new “Our Ocean, Our Health” campaign
The Sea Change project invites you to take simple steps towards protecting our ocean by joining its new “Our Ocean, Our Health” campaign to raise awareness of the interconnectedness of ocean and human health. Sea Change is an EU Horizon 2020-funded project which aims to raise European citizens’ awareness of the intrinsic links between ocean
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Commissioner Vella consults CEOs of European Marine Board member institutes on priorities for advancing ocean observation and seabed mapping
Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries met with ocean research leaders at the European Marine Board offices in Ostend, Belgium, on Friday 8 July, to discuss ocean research challenges. The meeting with Commissioner Vella follows on from a previous consultation, held in March, which identified ocean observation and seabed mapping as crucially important
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DEVOTES project

NEAT new software has been developed by European researchers to assess the environmental status of marine ecosystems From Dr Borja of AZTI, Spain, coordinator of the European research project DEVOTES ( The new tool is called NEAT, which stands for Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool. It has been developed by researchers of the DEVOTES project. Highlights: Application: NEAT assesses
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THE BENTIX INDEX The BENTIX index (Simboura & Zenetos, 2002) was developed for the purposes of the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) and for the assessment of the ecological quality status of benthic macroinvertebrates’ communities. The BENTIX index (1) is a biotic index based on the concept of indicator groups and uses the relative
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Saving the Corfu Killifish
Find out all about the Killifish, why it is a flagship for freshwater habitats in Greece and how ZSL and their partners are working hard to protect the fish both in it’s natural home in Western Greece and through breeding programmes in aquariums.
Δράση Αλυκές Αναβύσσου
Διοργάνωση δράσης περιβαλλοντικής εκπαίδευσης στις Αλυκές Αναβύσσου Αττικής. Η Μονάδας Εκπαίδευσης του ΕΛ.ΚΕ.Θ.Ε., θέλοντας να γιορτάσει την «Ημέρας της Γης» που έχει καθιερωθεί να εορτάζεται στις 22 Απριλίου διοργανώνει για την Παρασκευή, 22 Απριλίου και ώρα 9:30- 12:30 ενημερωτική εκδήλωση εντός του υγροτόπου των Αλυκών Αναβύσσου, που είναι ένας από τους ελάχιστους εναπομείναντες υγροτόπους της
ΕΜΒΟ – CoME 2014 Practical course on: «Computational Molecular Evolution» European Molecular Biology Organization (EΜΒΟ)
Institute of Marine Biology Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) Gournes, Heraklion, Crete, Greece 5-14 May 2014 The summer school (practical course) in “Computational Molecular Evolution”. (, funded by the European Molecular Biology Organization, EMBO, is to be hosted in the facilities of the local organizer IMBBC / HCMR in
Two Day Event for the “Darwin Year”
Title: Two Day Event for the “Darwin Year” Date/ Location: November 20 ? 21 2009, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Purpose: Forum of Discussion EMBO Practical Courses promote the transfer of new methods and emerging techniques to a broad number of laboratories. Participating students are introduced to the theory of and receive hands-on training in the technique.
- Published in Press Releases 2010, Press Releases 2011
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