Anastasopoulou Aikaterini

by / Wednesday, 12 November 2014 / Published in people

Position: Researcher, Grade D

Contact Info

Institute: Marine Biological Resources
Address: 46,7 Km Athens – Sounio Avenue, Anavyssos 19013, P.O. 712 Greece
Tel: +30 210 9856705
Telex: +30 210 9811713


Dr. A. Anastasopoulou is a Researcher, Grade D at HCMR from 2006.
She has 23 years of experience in the field of fisheries biology. Her main expertise lies on fish biology (reproduction, feeding, age and growth) ) in Osteichthyes and Elasmobranches while other areas like ecology, Ichthyoplankton taxonomy and biomass assessment and biodiversity are also experienced in the frame of several projects in which she has participated during her work at the IMBR (HCMR). She has organized the new Histological Laboratory of the IBMR equipped with the latest technology.
She has been involved in several projects such as: TACADAR, FRESH (COST 308/06), DEEP FISH (EU/CT95-0655), MUGIL (INCO-CT-2006-026180), “Estimation of the Mediterranean anchovy biomass by DEPM in the Thracean Sea (Greece) and South Western Adriatic Sea (Italy)”, “Evaluation of the Southern Greek Sardine Stocks”, “National Project for the collection of fisheries data – EU Regulation 1543/2000”, “ Comparison of the main anchovy stock population features between two areas (Greece: Aegean Sea) and (Montenegro: Adriatic), CoralFish (Refference no FP7-213144), “Developing fisheries management indicators and targets” (DefineIt) (MariFISH), “Bycatch And Discards: Management INdicators, Trends and location” (BADMINDTON) (MariFISH), WebGR (Tender No Fish/2007/07), Reproductive ecology of Mullus barbatus in E. Mediterranean Sea» (Short Term Scientific Mission :Reference code: COST-STSM-FA0601-04941).
She has participated in the exchange of the red mullet otoliths according to PGCCDBS guidlines. She has also participated in many conferences, meetings, workshops, like PGCCDBS Workshops on Sexual Maturity Staging of Hake and Monkfish (WKMSHM), Mackerel and Horse Mackerel (WKMSMAC), on “Age Reading of Red mullet Mullus barbatus and Stripped mullet, Mullus surmuletus” (WKACM), on Sexual Maturity Staging of Elasmatobranches (WKMSEL), and working groups and has published papers in international scientific journals and Congresses.
Education profile

• Ph.D. in Fisheries biology. Department of Biology, University of Athens, Greece, 2005.
• B.Sc. in Biology, University of Athens, Greece, 1995.
• Post –graduate Diploma in Education, PATES/ SELETE, Athens, Greece, 1990.
• B.Sc., Ichthyology and Fisheries, Technical School of Ichthyology and Fisheries of Messolonghi, Greece, 1988.

Professional profile

• 21/11/2006- to date: Elected Researcher (Grade D), Institute of Marine Biological Resources, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Athens, Greece.
• 1995- 21/11/2006: Research Scientist, Institute of Marine Biological Resources, National Centre for Marine Research (NCMR), Athens, Greece.
• 1994-1995: Collaborator in research projects, Institute of Marine Biological Resources, National Centre of Marine Research (NCMR), Athens, Greece.
• 1988-1994: Collaborator in research projects, Institute of Inland Waters, National Centre of Marine Research (NCMR), Athens, Greece

Scientific and Professional Membership

• Hellenic Zoological Society
• Hellenic Society of Ichthyologists
• Panehellenic Society of Technologist Ichthyologstists (Elected Member in the organization committee of the Panhellenic Society of Technologists Ichthyologists for the period 1991-1994).
• Εditorial member of the journal “The Open Fish Science Journal” from 2007 todate.
• Participation on lectures and laboratory exercises concerning fish reproduction studies during the MSc courses on: “Fisheries and Marine Stocks” in Biological Oceanography, Sector of Marine Biology and Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Athens (second semester).

Research interest

• Fisheries Biology (age and growth, feeding, reproduction) on demersal and deep water fish species.
• Reproductive biology (histological study of reproduction, oocyte development patterns, reproductive strategies, fecundity, indicators of reproduction, maturity ogives, etc.).
• Elasmobranches biology and ecology.
• Biodiversity
• Ichthyoplankton taxonomy and Ecology.

Selected Publications

• D.S. Klaoudatos, A. I. Conides, K. Kapiris, A. Anastasopoulou, S. Glykokokkalos, 2011. “The Hellenic approach to coastal aquaculture development”. 10th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment. 25-29 October, Rhodes, Greece.
• Hidalgo M., Anastasopoulou A. and Marteinsdottir G. Subchapter 3.2. Fish Stock Stucture. In: Handbook of Reproductive Ecology Studies for Fish Assessment and Management. (in preparation).
• Anastasopoulou A. and F. Saborido-Rey, 2011. Reproductive Ecology of Mullus barbatus in Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Fish Reproduction and Fisheries. FRESH Final Conference, 16-20 May, Vigo, Spain.
• Smith Ch., Papadopoulou N., Mytilineou Ch., Anastasopoulou A., Kavadas, S., A. Siapatis , Dogrammatzi K. and Christides G, 2011.”Deep sea fish biodiversity: comparisons of coral and non-coral areas.” World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 26-30 September, Aberdeen, Scotland (UK).
• Mytilineou Ch., Anastasopoulou A., Smith Ch., Christides G., Papadopoulou N. and P. Bekas, 2011. New Records of Rare Deep Sea Fish Species in the Eastern Ionian Waters. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 26-30 September, Aberdeen, Scotland (UK).
• A. Anastasopoulou and V. Vassilopoulou, 2009. Biological and ecological parameters of two deep-sea fishes in the S.E. Ionian sea. Proceedings of 9th Congress of Oceanography and Fisheries. Vol. II, pp. 822-827. Patra, Greece.
• Ru?mann H.-W., E. Jardim, W.J. McCurdy, A. Anastasopoulou, U. Berth, I.J. de Boois, L.J. Bolle, F. Cardador, K. Mahe, J. Modin, E. Moksness, M. Murenu, C. Mytilineou, I. Pforr, C. G. Pineiro, I. Quincoces, N. Rauthe, R. Sjoberg, D. Stepputtis,
C. Stransky, C.J.G van Damme, V. Vassilopoulou, L. Worsoe Clausen, 2009. “Web Services for Support of Growth and Reproduction Studies (WebGr presentation)”. Proceeding of 4th International Otolith Symposium, Monterey, Callifornia, USA, 24-28 August 2009, p. 153.
• Ru?mann H.-W., E. Jardim, W.J. McCurdy, A. Anastasopoulou, U. Berth, I.J. de Boois, L.J. Bolle, F. Cardador, K. Mahe, J. Modin, E. Moksness, M. Murenu, C. Mytilineou, I. Pforr, C. G. Pineiro, I. Quincoces, N. Rauthe, R. Sjoberg, D. Stepputtis,
C. Stransky, C.J.G van Damme, V. Vassilopoulou, L. Worsoe Clausen, 2009. “Web Services for Support of Growth and Reproduction Studies (WebGr presentation)”. Proceeding of 4th International Otolith Symposium, Monterey, Callifornia, USA, 24-28 August 2009, p. 153.
• Anastasopoulou A. and Haralabous J., 2009. Reproductive strategy of the mesopelagic, synchronous hermaphroditic species Chlorophthalmus agassizii (Bonaparte, 1840) in the Greek Ionian Sea. 4th Workshop on Gonadal Histology of Fishes organised by FRESH COST ACTION FA0601 and the American Fishery Society. Book of Abstracts, page: 43. 16-19/06/09 Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz, Spain.
• V. Vassilopoulou & A. Anastasopoulou, 2009. Two case studies on marine fish assemblages associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Greek waters. 11th International Congress on Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Eastern Mediterranean. 21-25 September 2009, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Book of Abstracts, p. 201.
• Anastasopoulou A., Kapiris K., 2008. Feeding ecology of the shortnose greeneye Chlorophthalmus agassizi Bonaparte 1840 (Pishes: Chlorophthalmidae) in the eastern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24: 170-179.
• Vassilopoulou V. and Anastasopoulou A., 2007. Pelagic Fish Assemblages Associated With Fish Aggregation Devices (FADS) in Hellenic Waters. In: State of Hellenic Fisheries. Editors: C. Papaconstantinou, A. Zenetos, V. Vassilopoulou and G. Tserpes. Pages: 461-466.
• Vassilopoulou V., Κ. Anastasopoulou, Κ. Haralabus, G. Christidis, S. Glikokkokalos, J. Nikolaou, P. Bekas, I. Kallias, 2007. «Preliminary results of discards from coastal fishery in Hellenic Seas”. Proceeding of 13th Congress of Ichthyologists. Water Biological resources and Ecosystems. 27-30 September, Mitilini, Greece. pp. 109-112.
• A. Anastasopoulou and V. Vassilopoulou, 2007. “Depth- size trends in two deep- sea fish species dwelling in southeastern Ionian waters (East Mediterranenan). XII European Congress of Ichthyology. 9-13 September,Cavtat, Croatia. Book of Abstracts, pp. 102-103.
• Anastasopoulou A. & C. Papaconstantinou, 2007. Morphometric analysis of the deep fish Chlorophthalmus agassizi in the Ionian Sea (Greece). Proceedings of 38th CIESM Congress. Istanbul, Turkey. p. 416.
• Anastasopoulou A., C. Yiannopoulos, P. Megalophonou and C. Papaconstantinou C., 2006. Distribution and population structure of the Chlorophthamus agassizi (Bonaparte 1840) on an unexploited fishing ground in the Greek Ionian Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22: 521-529.
• Vassilopoulou V. and A. Anastasopoulou, 2006. «Mediterranean dolfinfish FAD fisheries: would their introduction to the Greek artisanal fisheries enhance catches aiming at the same time to the sustainable development of the sector?». Proceedings of the 41st European Marine Biology Symposium , Cork, Ireland, September 2006.
• Vassilopoulou V and A. Anastasopoulou, 2006. «Pelagic fishes associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) in eastern Mediterranean». Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of the Hellenic Zoological Society, 26-30 Ιουνίου 2006, Patra, Greece, p.224.
• Anastasopoulou Α. and C. Papaconsantinou, 2006. «Age and Growth of the greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi) (B. 1840) in the Ionian Sea. 8th Congress of Oceanography and Fisheries. Thessaloniki, Greece. Books of abstracts, p. 212.
• Anastasopoulou Α., 2005. «Biology of Chlorophthalmus agassizii (Bonparte, 1840) in the Ionian Sea. Ph.D. Thesis, 242p. (in Greek).
• Vassilopoulou V., Anastasopoulou A., and Haralabous, J., 2004. Relationships between otolith growth and somatic growth in a deep- water fish from Northeastern Mediterranean waters. Third International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research and Application. 11-14 July,Townsyille, Queensland, Australia. Theme 4., 134 p.
• Vassilopoulou V., Anastasopoulou A., and C. Papaconstantinou, 2004. Biological parameters of Coryphaena hippurus associated to fish aggregating devices (FADS) in Southestern Aegean Sea Waters. XI European Congress of Ichthyology. 6-10 Σεπτεμβρίου, Tallin, Estonia. Book of abstracts, 144p.
• Anastasopoulou A., and C. Papaconstantinou, 2004. The bathymetric distribution of Chlorophthalmus agassizi in Northeastern Mediterranean waters. XI European Congress of Ichthyology. 6-10 Σεπτεμβρίου, Tallin, Estonia. Book of abstracts, 129p.
• Vassilopoulou V., Caragitsou E., and A. Anastasopoulou, 2001. Preliminary data on the reproduction of Mediterranean anchovy in Greek waters. 36th CIESM Congress Proceedings, vol. 36, p.334.
• Caragitsou E., Siapatis A., and A. Anastasopoulou, 2001. Seasonal structure of fish larvae assemblages in the Pagasitikos Gulf (Greece). 36th CIESM Congress Proceedings, vol. 36, p. 250.
• Anastasopoulou A., Vassilopoulou V., and E. Caragitsou, 2001. Sexual maturity characteristics of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Northeastern Mediterranean. Book of abstracts of 10th International Congress of Ichthyology. Prague, Chech Republic, 151p.
• Lefkaditou E., Papaconstantinou C., and K. Anastasopoulou, 1999. Juvenile cephalopods collected in the midwater macroplankton over a trench in the Aegean Sea (Northeastern Mediterranean). Israel Journal of Zoology, 45: 395-405.
• Papaconstantinou C., Anastasopoulou K., and E. Caragitsou, 1997. Comments on the Mesopelagic fauna of the North Aegean Sea. Cybium, 21(3): 281-288.
• Papaconstantinou C., Caragitsou E. and K. Anastasopoulou, 1996. The bathymetrical distribution of fish larvae in the N. Aegean Sea. Deep Fisheries Congress, 1-5/7/96, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 49, p.52, Suppl. B (December).
• Conides, A., Anastasopoulou K., and Fotis G., 1993. Application of standard procedure for forcasting the maximum, possible environmental impact of sea bream cage culture in Hellas. Int. J. Env. Ed. And Inf., University of Salford, 12(1): 49-58.
• Conides, A., and K. Anastasopoulou, 1992. Report of obsevations on the point- no-return of fishes studying the Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata juveniles in stravation. Freshenius Env. Bulletin, 2(9): 514-518.

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