Συστήματα παρατήρησης

POSEIDON system Field Equipment more
The measuring stations are buoys of two different types. Eleven seawatch Buoys and five Wavescan Buoys.
On the buoys are installed computer that acquires stores and send data from the sensors, the energy and the telecommunication part of the system.
The sensors are adapted to the buoy or to the mooring.
The measured parameters are:
Air Temperature
Air pressure
Wind speed and direction
Relative humidity
Current speed and direction
Wave height and direction
Sea temperature conductivity
Dissolved oxygen
Chlorophyll-a and turbidity
Solar radiation (0.285-2.8 nm) PYRANOMETRO PSP
Solar radiation infrared (3.5-50 nm) PYRANOMETRO PIR
Solar radiation at 7 wavelengths (irradiance)
Radiation from the sea at 7 wavelengths (radiance)
PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)


Τhe Institute of Oceanography (IOC) has been using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for automated mapping and geographic analysis since 1987, and organised this activity as a GIS-laboratory in 2003. Its activities focus on coastal and marine applications. 
 The development of GIS databases that store a variety of georeferenced marine information on environmental descriptors, marine biodiversity and fisheries production including Earth Observation (satellite imagery) as well as survey and monitoring data.

The development of various user-friendly analytical GIS tools for data integration and spatio-temporal analyses of biotic and abiotic parameters including software integration of several geostatistical tools.

The development of various GIS servers for the dissemination of GIS-ready marine data, GIS analytical methodology and GIS output in the form of dynamic mapping and integrated reports.

Dynamics of Matter Transfer and Biogeochemical Cycles: Their Modeling in Coastal Systems of the Mediterranean Sea, METRO/MED ” (MAS3-CT96-0049, EC, 1996-1999)

Cartography of the Marine Sites of the Greek NATURA-2000 Network

Spatial planning of mussel-culturing activity in Thessaloniki gulf in order to optimize mussel production and environmental protection.

EUROCAT. European Catchments: Catchments Changes and their Impact on the Coast.

AXCAT: General description of the Axios River catchment and the Gulf of Thermaikos.

Development of operational system and methodologies for defining the environmentally, legitimately and socioeconomically optimal tanker routing through the Aegean Sea for Caspian oil retransportation to the Mediterranean

Database Development & GIS Applications for the project Management and Sustainable Development of Protected Transitional Waters.

FAME. Development, Evaluation & Implementation of a Standardised Fish-based Assessment Method for the Ecological Status of European Rivers. A Contribution to the Water Framework Directive (FAME), Contract n°: EVK1 -CT-2001-00094

The impact of EU policies on the Acheloos river catchment? (ΕU & JRC-ISPRA)

LIFE Nature 1998: Conservation measures for the endangered fish Ladigesocypris ghigii.

Standardization of River Classifications: Framework method for calibrating different biological survey results against ecological quality classifications to be developed for the Water Framework Directive

Coastal and marine data of different kinds (bathymetry, natural resources, seafloor characteristics, marine habitats etc.) are considered as spatial information layers, which are managed and combined visually and computationally (spatial correlation, analysis and calculation).
The above-mentioned data can be linked to our GIS, even if they are organized in the form of databases. All these data can be synthesized for comprehensive interpretations and forecasting of marine environmental systems. 


Our Laboratory provides services relating to:

Planning, organization and development of geographic information database (GeoDataBase)
Generation of coastal bathymetric maps from original data
Combination of spatial and non-spatial data
Combination of raster and vector data
Marine habitats cartography
Digital Elevation Models
Thematic maps 
Specification of optimal locations for fish farms, through the analysis of bathymetry, shelter, land uses, proximity to other facilities etc.
GIS aided assistance in the development of innovative or improved infrastructure including development of new shore-based facilities such as marinas 

Analysis of erosion and shoreline changes
Monitoring the behavior of oil spillages in coastal environments 
Water balance estimation
Estimation of soil erosion and material transport at the coastal zone 
Rapid and flexible response to ad hoc “what if” type questions, by combining rapid data retrieval with analytical and modeling functions 


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